A portrait of faculty member Stuart Cohen at UC Davis

Dr. Stuart H. Cohen

Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases
Director, Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control
Surgical Infections 

NIH-Funded Innovation Preventing Limb Loss from Surgical Infections 

Surgical site infections (SSIs) can lead to severe complications, including limb loss. UC Davis research, led by Dr. Stuart H. Cohen, is developing cutting-edge strategies that reduce these risks. The research is focused on infection control for immunocompromised patients, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and innovative vaccine solutions to prevent life-threatening post-surgical infections. 

Helping Humanity 

By advancing infection prevention and exploring new treatments, this research helps to prevent SSIs before they become catastrophic. The research has begun to shape better protocols and drive vaccine development to fight antibiotic-resistant infections, reducing amputations and hospitalizations. Without continued funding, these advancements could slow, leaving more patients vulnerable to serious infections, longer recoveries and limited treatment options. Sustained investment is essential to protecting lives and improving patient outcomes.


"Projects like this, that don’t have a great commercial impact, can really only be funded by federal agencies.” 

— Dr. Stuart H. Cohen