Facing dramatic enrollment growth over the next decade, the University of California is working aggressively to design ways of accommodating approximately 40 percent more students while preserving quality instructional and research programs, UC officials told the Board of Regents last week.
The university is pursuing a range of strategies for expanding capacity to meet enrollment demand, with a focus on creative solutions tailored to the needs of individual campuses and their surrounding communities.
"The university is committed to accommodating the students who are headed our way," said UC President Richard Atkinson. "We absolutely must keep our promise of access to California's students, and we will do so in ways that maximize efficiency while preserving quality.
"The challenge of enrollment growth presents the university with a tremendous opportunity-an opportunity to serve the educational needs of a growing and diverse population, and thus to expand the university's contributions to the economic and societal well-being of California as a whole," Atkinson said.
The California Postsecondary Education Commission recently reported that between now and 2010, California's public institutions of higher education can expect enrollments to rise by more than 700,000 students. This enrollment surge, dubbed "Tidal Wave II" by former UC President Clark Kerr, is attributable to growth in the college-age population and anticipated increases in college participation rates, among other factors.
UC fully intends to continue meeting its obligation under the Master Plan for Higher Education to enroll students from the top 12.5 percent of California's high school graduating class each year. As a result, the university expects enrollments on its general campuses to grow by approximately 60,000 full-time-equivalent students to a level of 210,000 by 2010.
Increase equals enrollments at Berkeley and UCLA now
This increase equals the university's total enrollment growth over the last 30 years and also is equivalent to the existing enrollments of UC Berkeley and UCLA combined.
UC enrollments also grew sharply in the 1960s. However, the growth now facing UC is expected to last for a longer period of time, and a smaller proportion of the growth will be absorbed by the development of new campuses.
The university plans to open one new campus, UC Merced, in 2005 and enroll 5,000 students there by 2010.
To accommodate the enrollment growth of the coming years, the university is pursuing a variety of other solutions, including:
* Expanding instructional activity during the summer. Currently, student fees are higher for the summer session because it is not state-supported. To help ease the enrollment crunch, UC will increase instructional offerings in the summer, a step that will require state funding.
* Enrolling more students at off-campus locations, such as the Education Abroad Program; the Washington, D.C., center; and new off-campus centers similar to those now operating in Ventura and Fresno.
* The university's 2000-01 budget proposal requests funding for development of another off-campus center in the Santa Clara Valley.
* Expanding regular enrollments during the fall, winter and spring quarters, with sensitivity to the concerns of the campuses' surrounding communities.
* Continuing to improve students' time to graduation. Currently, UC students graduate in 13 quarters on average; 12 quarters is preferred.
Each campus will pursue the strategies that best fit local needs. UC will send more detailed plans to the Legislature in April 2000.
Not a simple task
Atkinson emphasized that meeting the enrollment challenge will not be a simple task and will require the support of the state as a whole.
Campus growth, along with upgrades of existing facilities, will require $500 million per year in capital funding.
The university will need to hire approximately 3,000 new faculty members for enrollment growth alone. Student services, from housing to advising, will likewise require expansion.
UC must also continue to receive the operating budget support necessary to preserve the high-quality programs that attract students to the university in the first place, Atkinson said.
"We will grow wisely, we will be innovative and we will work cooperatively with our neighbors and with our partners in the other segments of higher education," Atkinson said.
"This is not a challenge we can tackle alone. It truly is an issue of shared responsibility for California's children, and for the future of the state."
Brad Hayward is a senior public information representative in the UC Office of the President's News and Communication unit.
Media Resources
Susanne Rockwell, Web and new media editor, (530) 752-2542, sgrockwell@ucdavis.edu