Bubbles fly through the air as Shannon Lipscomb, right, a graduate student in human development, works on learning strategies with infant Maite Purcell and mom, Elina, in the new Eichhorn Family House at the Center for Child and Family Studies on east campus. Human and Community Development will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony Wednesday for the new $563,000 facility -- designed with a kitchen, laundry room, small living spaces and observational rooms with one-way mirrors. It will serve as a regional resource center for families and as a research center. Special ribbon-cutting ceremony guests will be area physician Erwin A. Eichhorn and researcher Donis Eichhorn -- who gave $400,000 toward the project -- and T. Berry Brazelton, a Harvard University pediatrician and renowned child-rearing expert, who also will offer a talk and question-and-answer session for area parents 7-8:30 p.m. at Veteran's Memorial Center, 203 East 14th st., in Davis. To reserve space call (530) 757-8643.