A show-stopping honor for the chancellor...

Music-comedy performers pose with Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef, middle back, after their skit humorously portraying his life — as a boy growing up in South Milwaukee, Wisc., an academic and later a UC Davis administrator — before a group of some 550 people at Prelude 2003. The early October event, hosted by the Arts and Business Council of Sacramento, an affiliate of the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, brings together the region’s leaders in arts and business. Vanderhoef was honored with a top award of the afternoon, the Outstanding Contributions award, for his “vision and leadership on the Mondavi Center.” Rosalie Vanderhoef collaborated on content for the 10-minute skit — including some crowning achievements and lesser-known facts about her husband, like his early passion for billiards and the fact that he was once, as a student, put on academic probation. Pictured with the chancellor are, from left, artistic director Greg Alexander and Daniel Paulson, Rachel Songer, Jamie Jones, Julie Anchor and Ken Kligerman.

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