Report of the Davis Division of the Academic Senate:
Committee on Elections, Rules and Jurisdiction

The following ballot results in the Vote of No Confidence against UC Davis Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef were released today by the UC Davis Division of the Academic Senate:

On January 30, 2006, a petition bearing the signatures of 56 members of the Davis Division of the Academic Senate of the University of California was submitted asking that the following "Resolution for a Vote of No Confidence against Larry N. Vanderhoef, Chancellor, UC Davis" be voted on by the membership of the Davis Division (tenured and tenure-track faculty of the UC Davis campus):

Whereas It is the responsibility of the chancellor to set an example of ethical behavior for his administration and conduct university business in a manner that protects the dignity and reputation of the Davis Campus of the University of California and

Whereas Chancellor Vanderhoef has demonstrated his unwillingness to acknowledge a serious impropriety in handling the case of former Vice Chancellor for University Relations, Celeste Rose, and attempted to conceal a settlement that has done irreparable damage to the image of UC Davis, and

Whereas In an open letter to the University from UC President, Robert C. Dynes there has been a call to enhance the accountability of the University to the citizens of the State of California

Now It Must Be Resolved

That the faculty condemns the recent actions of Chancellor Vanderhoef by this vote of no confidence.

Ballots were mailed to the Senate membership on February 24, 2006 and were due on March 10, 2006. They were reviewed by the Committee on Elections, Rules and Jurisdiction on March 13, 2006 and counted as follows:

Total eligible voters: 2,513

Undeliverable ballots returned: 37

Invalid ballots received: 10

Valid ballots received: 1,054

Required to pass: Majority

Vote received:

Yes: 320 (30.4%)

No: 734 (69.6%)

The Resolution was therefore declared defeated and the University of California, Davis Division of the Academic Senate does not support the Resolution for a Vote of No Confidence against Larry N. Vanderhoef, Chancellor, UC Davis.

Respectfully submitted,

Committee on Elections, Rules and Jurisdiction

L. Jay Helms, Chair

William G. Davis

Kevin D. Hoover

Media Resources

Lisa Lapin, Executive administration, (530) 752-9842,

Primary Category
