IN PRINT & ON TV ... Faculty contribute to media discourse on creativity, cancer, more

Comments and research by UC Davis community members regularly appear in a wide variety of news media outlets. Among the recent citings ...

Articles about Peter Lindert's new book, Growing Public, appeared within the last month in Brand Eins, a German magazine, and the Brazillian publication Veja. The economics professor's work focuses on changes in government social spending over the last couple centuries. …

Meanwhile, psychology professor Dean Simonton's book Genius, Creativity, and Leadership: Histriometric Inquiries was mentioned in an Oct. 1 Chronicle of Higher Education story. The article, about measuring creativity on college campuses, refers to one of Simonton's conclusions that creative outbursts have clustered in places where artistic, scientific and technological advancements thrive side by side. …

Moon Chen was quoted about cancer risk in Asian American women on Oct. 22 in the San Francisco Chronicle and Sacramento Bee. "Genetics plays a risk, but we know that cancer is also a human behavioral disease," the professor of health sciences at the Cancer Center said in the Chronicle story. "Culture is defined by behavior, and behavior determines risk." ...

On the same day in the Chronicle, history professor Eric Rauchway was quoted in a story on how a president's fate can be tied to the outcome of a war. "Victories are good for sitting presidents," he noted. But, "the trickle, trickle of casualties isn't very good for a sitting president," he said. …

Walter Boyce contributed to a story in the Los Angeles Times about the effects of recent fires on flora and fauna in Rancho Cuyamaca State Park in southern California. Boyce, a professor at the veterinary school, estimated that 80 percent of the area's deer population survived the fires and are growing fat on new vegetation. …

In other ecology news, Ted Grosholz of the environmental science and policy department was quoted in a story on the internet sales of illegal plants in the Oct. 28 Christian Science Monitor. "The internet sales of plants and other organisms s quite a large unknown and there's little if any regulation," Grosholz said…

A quote from atmospheric physicist Tom Cahill appeared in the Oct. 16 Sacramento Bee in an article about national air quality standards. Cahill said that the standards were set with equipment that is now out of date. …

Robert Smiley of the Graduate School of Management also appeared in The Bee on Oct. 20, commenting on the $970 million bid made for the Robert Mondavi Corp. "What this means is that at least one player believes things are not quite as dismal as they seem, and he is willing to offer up to a 40 percent premium over the marketplace," Smiley said. …

In further viticulture news, a story in the Oct. 27 Los Angeles Times quoted enology professor Linda Bisson on how to reduce over-the-top alcohol levels in wine. Bisson said the only two options are to add water during fermentation or de-alcoholize the wine after fermentation. …

Meanwhile, Brad Barber, also of the Graduate School of Management, appeared in an Oct. 17 Newsday story on investors' reluctance to acknowledge their mistakes. "It's difficult for investors to come to terms with their losses," he said. "Selling a loser is admitting one's investment failures -- something that is difficult for many investors."

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