Paul Fullerton: Firefighter exhibits model behavior

For years, Paul Fullerton has known what he's wanted out of life: to be a firefighter and work close to home, surrounded by family and friends.

He grew up in Esparto, and though he briefly enrolled at California State University, Humboldt, Fullerton quickly came back to Yolo County to pursue his dreams.

He has volunteered with the Esparto Fire Department and worked for the Madison Fire Department before coming to UC Davis six years ago.

Fullerton, 28, now lives in Woodland with his wife, Monica, and sons, Gage, 11, and Mason, 11/2.

So it came as a surprise to many people that Fullerton has recently chosen to pursue a somewhat cosmopolitan avocation when he's not on duty.

In his spare time, Fullerton models. He's appeared in a number of print ads and fashion layouts. Recently he was featured in a Coca-Cola ad with Joe Montana to promote the Super Bowl.

"The money they pay, I'd do it for half of what I get," Fullerton said. "It's also kind of cool seeing (ads) in magazines. You don't know when they're coming out."

To do much of his work Fullerton travels to San Francisco, where he's represented by Stars, The Agency.

"I have a hard time going to San Francisco. I get nervous before I shoot," he said. "But the photographers compliment me that I'm easy to work with. I guess it's because I'm from a small town."

What's something about you most people don't know?

I'm a quarter Cherokee Indian. My grandfather on my mom's side is full-blooded. My grandmother on my dad's side was half Cherokee.

The modeling, too-people are surprised I do that.

What do you like best about your job?

I like the camaraderie of the people I work with. I'd give my life for the people I work with. That would be the hardest part about leaving this place.

Of course, I also like helping people.

And the least?

Tragedy. When something bad happens. We're human, too, so we think about it a lot.

What's your guilty pleasure?

I have a thing for fast food. I love it. I'm a former body builder; I'm in charge of the workout equipment here, but I can't pass up a Carl's Jr.

What's the most embarrassing CD in your collection?

"Poison's Greatest Hits." I was in high school in the 1980s.

What's the best advice you've ever been given?

Shoot for the stars. I've always been told not to give up. My parents and high school teachers always told me to go for my goals. It took me four years to get a job as a professional firefighter. You keep going and finally you get it.

What's your favorite place on campus?

To me, the fire station is home. We are here 24 hours a day, and we have our own refrigerator and bed. I also like when we go out to the MU. That's when we get to see people.

How about in the world?

Right here. I've been to Europe, Mexico and Canada. I have brothers and sisters in Texas and Arkansas. But this (Yolo County) is where I grew up. All those other places are good for vacations. •

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