New faces at the new faculty dinner...

Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef greets Catherine Mascal and new faculty member Mark Mascal, an assistant professor of chemistry, during a dinner held in honor of new faculty members Monday night at the Chancellor’s Residence. “You are what will continue to make this university great,” Vanderhoef told faculty members. The campus welcomed 112 ladder-rank and 15 non-ladder Senate faculty this year, 43 percent of whom are women and 27 percent of whom are people of color. “We have a diverse and outstanding faculty,” said Barbara Horwitz, vice provost for academic personnel. She noted that about 30 percent of the campus’s ladder-rank faculty were hired within the past five years. Horwitz told the newcomers they would have “wonderful opportunities to meet colleagues from across campus and to collaborate in a variety of activities. Our walls are very soft.” Academic Senate Chair Bruce Madewell noted: “If history serves to repeat itself, about 80 to 85 percent of you will be here for the rest of your professional careers. I hope you’ll find some mentors and colleagues that will lead to a very fruitful career here.”

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