I've been a participant in the UC Depcare child-care expense reimbursement program for six-plus years and, until recently, have never had a problem receiving my monthly reimbursement. However, the month before last my check was lost in the mail. The Office of the President benefits office was very helpful, and I received a new check that same month. Last month the check arrived on time, but this month it was lost again. I again called OP, and the office again is being very helpful. It was suggested I contact the postal service, which I did, but we have had the same carrier and no substitutes, so that doesn't seem to be the problem.
When I first contacted the OP benefits office I asked why couldn't we have our Depcare electronically deposited like our payroll checks are. The person assisting me said her office has wanted to do this for a long time.
I feel that as long as we satisfy the requirements for participating in this program by filling out the forms and sending in our receipts, we should have this directly deposited, therefore saving time and expenses generated in dealing with lost checks and stop payments, etc.
I have asked Leslye Hays, our campus benefits unit manager, to pass on this suggestion to her contacts in the OP office. I believe that other participants in the program would also like to see this change occur. I urge them to support Leslye by adding their voice to the issue.
Cathe Richardson
Engineering Dean's Office
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