The campus has retained a non-university investigator to examine police department allegations contained in un-
signed documents recently delivered to the chancellor’s office.
The documents request whistleblower protection, so Dateline is limited in reporting their contents. Local news media have reported the documents represent the views of campus police officers and accuse the police department’s top administrators of mismanagement and underreporting of crimes.
The campus has requested supporting evidence from a law firm identified in the documents and has brought on board an outside investigator expert in public safety matters.
"We take allegations such as these quite seriously and will carefully review them to determine if they are factually supportable," said John Meyer, vice chancellor for resource management and planning.
"Until evidence would suggest otherwise, though, we have confidence in our police department and its management’s efforts to uphold the highest of professional standards in the investigation and reporting of crimes. These allegations to the contrary are unanticipated and surprising." Meyer underscored the campus’s commitment to accurately reporting crime.
"Because the campus takes its Clery Act crime-reporting responsibilities very seriously, we have already invited the Department of Education to review our reporting practices and are committed to implementation of recommendations that emerge from that review," he said.
Said Police Chief Calvin Handy: "When I learned of the allegations, I immediately brought them to the attention of the chancellor’s office. I’m confident that a fair and impartial review of the matter will be conducted."
Handy added that he was "proud of our officers and our support staff and of our long history of dedicated service. The department is open to hearing any and all complaints and to resolving them fairly and effectively."
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