I-House organizes Jan. 16 potluck as fundraiser for Haitian victims

The International House announced it will host a potluck on Jan. 16 as a fundraiser to help victims of the earthquake in Haiti.

"Bring a dish to share and we will pass a basket for contributions to the International Committee of the Red Cross," said Elisabeth Sherwin, executive director of International House. "We are putting this event together at short notice but I am confident many people will join us to demonstrate their concern for our friends in Haiti."
Jean-Marc Francois-Pierre, a Haitian native, is a Humphrey fellow at UC Davis this year, using office space at I-House. He returned to Haiti over the winter holidays to get married.
"Jean-Marc returned to Davis at the beginning of the year and his wife stayed in Haiti," Sherwin said. "When the earthquake struck on Tuesday, his wife was not in Port-au-Prince but was visiting friends outside the city. She is in our prayers."

He has since left Davis to try to get back to Haiti. See separate story.

The potluck is scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. I-House is at 10 College Park.

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Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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