Historic vote slated

Academic Senate members have until the close of business March 10 to return their ballots on the no-confidence measure. A "yes" will support the declaration of no confidence; a "no" vote will not. A majority vote is needed for passage.

The senate declaration carries no official weight. Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef is under no obligation to step down, and has said that he will not resign.

Academic Senate members are submitting statements regarding the vote, and the statements — pro, con and neutral — are being posted on the senate Web site. The site also includes a section for letters from nonmembers. At press time Wednesday, there were eight letters from 14 members supporting the no-confidence vote and 41 letters from 92 members opposing the vote. From nonmembers there were two writers supporting the vote and 29 opposing it.

For more information, visit the Academic Senate's Web site at www.mrak.ucdavis.edu/senate/index.cfm.

Media Resources

Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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