HArCS dean search under way

The campus has begun a national search for a dean of the Division of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies in the hopes of filling the position by July 1, 2005.

Patricia Turner is currently serving as interim dean of HArCS. She will return to her position as vice provost for undergraduate studies once a new dean has been selected. Elizabeth Langland, the dean of HArCS for five years, left earlier this year for a position in the State University of New York.

HArCS is one of three divisions within the College of Letters and Science. It includes 270 full-time faculty, 60 lecturers, 2,100 undergraduate students and 360 graduate students.

The HArCS dean is the divisions chief academic and administrative officer with responsibility for academic leadership and the management of faculty, staff, resources, physical facilities, budget and development efforts. The dean participates in campus-wide policy development through membership on the Council of Deans and Vice Chancellors, and coordinates efforts with the deans of the other two divisions within the College of Letters and Science -- the Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and the Division of Social Sciences.

The new dean will also play a key role working with academic departments to integrate the performing arts into the intellectual life of the campus through the Mondavi Center.

Among other attributes, the search committee is looking for someone who demonstrates "creative leadership and management, and the energy and vigor to translate ideas into action." The review of applications is expected to begin in November; the position will remain open until filled.

For additional information on the position, visit http://chancellor.ucdavis.edu/resource/recruit/deanharcs.cfm.

Committee members

The search committee includes Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef; Virginia Hinshaw, provost and executive vice chancellor; Charlayne Allan, lecturer in the classics; Emilio Bejel, chair and professor in Spanish and the classics; Shannon Egan-Jamison, undergraduate student in art studio; Wendy Ho, associate professor in Asian American studies and women and gender studies; alumna Bonnie Lam; Brian McCurdy, assistant vice chancellor for cultural programs; Linda Morris, professor of English; Jacob Olupona, professor of African American and African studies; Katherine Perrone, management services officer in languages and literature; Christopher Reynolds, professor of music; Barbara Sellers-Young, chair and professor of theatre and dance; Steven Sheffrin, dean of the Division of Social Sciences and professor; and Fernando Socorro, graduate student in cultural studies.

Sally Springer, associate chancellor, will handle staff activities for the committee.

Media Resources

Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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