The UC Davis Foundation welcomed seven new trustees to its board this month. They include Stephen Richards, the former chief financial officer and chief operating officer of McAfee Incorporated, from Cupertino, BS '76; Frank Washington, a former vice president at McClatchy Newspapers and founder of Moonshot Communications, from Carmichael; and Gary Cusumano, a former regent for the University of California and chair of the Newhall Land and Farming Company, from Newhall, BS '65.
The new trustees join the existing 26 in their commitment to lead volunteers to raise funds for all areas of the university. Founded in 1959, the foundation is a comprehensive volunteer fundraising board that advocates for the university and manages a portion of the university's $508 million endowment (about $96 million). The endowment is the total money available for a university to invest, and the income from the foundation endowment provides critical support for many programs on campus.
The trustees are donors to the university themselves as they provide counsel and support to help the university's overall fundraising efforts. Jack Gualco, one of the foundation's new trustees and president of a government relations and public affairs company, highlighted the importance of volunteering for the university.
"After some years away from the campus, I look forward to returning to help UC Davis," said Gualco. "The daunting challenges facing business, agriculture, health care, transportation and other arenas require UC Davis to step forward to provide new technologies and trained personnel. These issues call upon alumni and friends to invest in a university that has enabled us to be successful."
The foundation also awards a $30,000 prize to an outstanding faculty member — one of the nation's largest for teaching faculty. This year's prize went to Maureen Stanton, a professor and evolutionary ecologist.
The foundation recently added a new prize of $5,000 to recognize exceptional volunteer leadership and support of philanthropy at UC Davis, named after former foundation chair, the late Charlie J. Soderquist. The prize is then donated to the campus program of the recipient's choice. The first prize was awarded to his son, Chris Soderquist, who has designated the funds to go to GSM faculty member Andrew Hargedon's research and teaching projects.
The other new trustees are Augie Gallego, San Diego, MA '78, retired chancellor, California Community College San Diego District; Jack Gualco, Gold River, BA '78, principal, The Gualco Group Inc.; Cheryl Harrison, and San Francisco, BS '79, president and creative director, Harrison Design Group; Javad Rahimian, Sacramento, BS '72, partner, Parlin Investment Company; private investor, Member of Boards of Trustees for TradeStation Group Inc.; Zanatz, Inc. and Cray Inc.
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