Jeffery Gibeling, a professor of chemical engineering and materials science, will lead the UC Davis faculty for the next two years as chair of the Davis Division of the Representative Assembly of the Academic Senate. On the faculty since 1984, Gibeling served as executive associate dean of graduate studies from January 1996 to June 1998 and was an active participant in graduate educational policy as a member and then chair in the last year of his 1991-95 tenure on the Graduate Council. Gibeling also served as chair of the faculty of the College of Engineering for the 1989-90 academic year and again during the current year. "I am looking forward to working on the challenges of campus growth and renewal for the next two years," Gibeling said. "My primary goal is to make the senate a more effective and proactive partner in the shared governance of the campus." Gibeling succeeds Bryan Miller, a chemistry professor who died suddenly last fall. Joining Gibeling on the leadership team for 1999-2001 will be physics professor Joseph Kiskis, who will serve as vice chair, and American studies professor Jay Mechling, who will be the assembly secretary. The appointments were announced during the annual report of the senate's Committee on Committees at the June 8 Representative Assembly meeting. The following were appointed chairs of standing committees: Academic Personnel: Donald Phillips, professor of agronomy and range science; Academic Planning and Budget Review: Alan Jackman, professor of chemical and materials science engineering; Admissions and Enrollment: Patrick Farrell, associate professor of linguistics; Affirmative Action and Diversity: James Carey, professor of entomology; Educational Policy: Alan Stemler, professor of plant biology; Graduate Council: David Gilchrist, professor of plant pathology; and Research: Lovell Jarvis, professor of agricultural and resource economics. The assembly also approved nominations to a special committee to consider transportation and parking to be chaired by Carroll Cross, professor of pulmonary medicine.
Media Resources
Kat Kerlin, Research news (emphasis on environmental sciences), 530-750-9195,