A draft report on the potential environmental impacts of three proposed veterinary facilities at UC Davis has been completed and is available for public review.
Copies of the draft report can be obtained at the reserve desk of UC Davis’ Shields Library, the Davis branch of the Yolo County Library and the Fairfield-Suisun Community
Library in Fairfield. A brief public notice including a project description and summary of impacts is available on the Web at http://www.pbo.ucdavis.edu/env/envplan.
A public hearing to receive testimony as part of the formal record on the draft environmental impact report will be Nov. 29, at 7 p.m. in the campus’s University Club on Old Davis Road. Written comments may be submitted through Dec. 13 to environmental planner Sid England in the UCDavis Office of Resource Management and Planning.
The report deals with three new facilities planned for construction near the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital on the west side of the main campus. The proposed facilities include:
• A 165,672-square-foot facility that would be constructed as one or two buildings to house teaching laboratories, faculty research laboratories, research support facilities, academic offices, clinical facilities and administrative offices. Referred to as Veter-
inary Medicine 3A during this planning process, the proposed facility would be built northwest of the veterinary hospital.
• A 59,550-square-foot Veterinary Medicine Instructional Facility that would contain classrooms, laboratories, teaching facilities and a student learning center. It would be located between the veterinary hospital and the medical school buildings to the north.
• The 30,455-square-foot facility for the centers for Companion Animal Health and Comparative Genomics. This facility would house research and clinical programs related to companion animals, including the feline and canine health units, the Cancer Therapy Unit and the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory Unit. It would be located on existing pastures just east of the veterinary hospital.
This third project includes renovation of areas in the veterinary hospital that will be vacated when programs relocate to the new facilities. The plan also calls for construction of an outdoor plaza between the veterinary hospital and the proposed Vet Med 3A and Vet Med instructional facilities.
Also, 200 parking spaces would be created in one or more parking lots to be located south or southwest of the teaching hospital on Garrod Drive.
The three proposed facilities are consistent with the land-use designations in the 1994 Long-Range Development Plan for UC Davis.