SNEAK PEEK: On Tuesday, Margrit Mondavi, far right, and planners reviewed conceptual designs for the upcoming Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science, due to open in 2006. The campus is working with the architectural firm Zimmer Gunsul Frasca (ZGF) in developing the $78 million complex. In 2001, the Mondavis dontated $25 million to build the institute. From left are architect Bob Frasca of ZGF, landscape architect Laurie Olin, campus planner Bob Segar, and Joe Collins of ZGF.
The institute will include research and teaching labs, a winery, food processing facility and brewery. The surrounding landscape in the South Entry District project may include courtyards, walkways, vineyards and fields to reflect the heritage of the campus and the presence of the nearby Robert and Margrit Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts, to which the Mondavis gave $10 million