Diversity takes spotlight during inaugural event

One world, one campus. It's time to remind ourselves just what a diverse community we live in, from the green lawns of the UC Davis campus to the streets and classrooms of Davis.

Toward this goal, the upcoming UC Davis program, A Public Re-Affirmation of Our Principles of Community, will highlight key diversity issues in a series of events held both on and off campus during Feb. 24-26.

Providing an environment that promotes freedom of expression, encourages multicultural interactions and celebrates our diversity throughout the university and its surrounding communities is a major reason for this endeavor, says Rahim Reed, associate executive vice chancellor for Campus Community Relations at UC Davis.

"We feel it is time once again to honor and reaffirm the personal dignity inherent in all of us," said Reed, referring to the development of the campus's Principles of Community in 1990.

"Throughout the campus, city and school district, we seek to build a more inclusive environment where the principles of respect and openness prevail."

Reed said emphasizing the "positive" aspects of diversity and common ground is more productive than focusing on the negative incidents where discrimination has occurred locally in the past.

"We thought this might be a good time to once again come together and start a dialogue about these very important issues," said Reed, adding it took several months of coordination with the district and city to develop a series of sessions. He said city and school officials were extremely interested in developing the theme of diversity in conjunction with UC Davis.

"We're taking a look back at the challenges that gave us unity in the first place as we now consider how we can all move forward," he noted.

Reed said the major themes for the Public Re-Affirmation of Our Principles of Community are the concepts of freedom of expression and appreciating the value of diversity.

"We're focused on how to promote dialogue and discourse on campus as well as in the Davis community," said Reed. "Diversity has an educational value that is essential to our success as a diverse and multicultural community."

Key aspects of the university's Principles of Community refer to recognizing the inherent dignity in all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds; affirming the right of freedom of expression while upholding the highest standards of civility and decency; and confronting and rejecting discrimination, including those based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation and religious or political beliefs.

Upcoming activities for a Public Re-Affirmation of Our Principles of Community include:

Tuesday, Feb. 24: Introductory Pro-gram. A kick off event will be held 2 to 3 p.m. in Room 2005 of the Plant and Environmental Sciences Building. The kickoff will introduce the celebration and include remarks from city, university and school district officials.

Tuesday, Feb. 24: Art Exhibit and Reception. A reception takes place 6 to 7 p.m. at Mondavi Center. Those planning to attend the Los Lobos/Lila Downs performance at Mondavi Center are invited to a pre-performance art exhibit in honor of California farm workers and a reception with the artists and special guests from the community and Legislature. Attendees should present their Los Lobos tickets at the door.

Wednesday, Feb. 25: Freedom of Expression in the Academic Community. UC Davis law professor Alan Brownstein will speak on freedom of expression issues from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Room 3001, Plant and Environmental Sciences.

Wednesday, Feb. 25: Davis Joint Unified School District Community Program. A performance from 3 to 5 p.m. will be held at the Varsity Theatre, 616 Second St. The show will include student jazz and dance groups, a choir and poetry readings.

Wednesday, Feb. 25: City of Davis Film Fest and Season of Non-violence. Films will show 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Veterans' Memorial Center Club Room, 203 E. 14th St.

Thursday, Feb. 26: Understanding the Educational Value of Diversity. A panel discussion with students and educators takes place from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Room 3001 of the Plant and Environmental Sciences Building.

Thursday, Feb. 26: Community Organization Festival. Organizations from UC Davis, the city of Davis, surrounding communities and the local school district will attend this celebration, set for 4 to 6 p.m. in Freeborn Hall.

A Public Re-Affirmation of Our Principles of Community is co-sponsored by the UC Davis Office of Campus Community Relations, the Campus Council on Community and Diversity, the Associated Students of UC Davis, Sodexho, the Cross Cultural Center, Government and Community Relations, the City of Davis, the Davis Joint Unified School District and the Davis Human Relations Commission.

For more details, contact the Office of Campus Community Relations, (530) 752-2071, or see http://occr.ucdavis.edu/occr_html/reaffirmation.html.

Media Resources

Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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