Dining Hall reopens

Sunday is the projected opening date for the new and improved Tercero Dining Commons, a campus housing official said. During the summer, asbestos removal from the 40-year-old dining hall put the expansion and renovation project behind schedule, said Emily Galindo, associate director of Student Housing.

So, when school started in September, the Tercero area's 1,500 residents had no dining hall. Many students have been eating at the new Segundo Dining Commons, and taking shuttle buses to and from Tercero. Other alternatives include continental breakfasts and grab-and-go sandwiches at Tercero.

Galindo said the asbestos issue has been resolved, and contractors are in the process of testing the dining hall equipment. She said the new Tercero will be just like Segundo, with seven serving platforms for a variety of foods.

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Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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