Causeway Classic Blood Drive, Nov. 1-2

UC Davis and California State University, Sacramento, are out for blood, not on the football field, but in the fourth annual Causeway Classic Blood Drive.

The Davis campus’s collection effort is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 1 and 2, in Freeborn Hall — in the regularly scheduled ASUCD Blood and Marrow Drive. The Sacramento-based BloodSource blood bank advises prospective donors to drink plenty of fluids and to eat beforehand, and to bring photo identification.

BloodSource is offering a $500 prize to the club, fraternity or sorority with the most participation. If you can’t donate blood, or choose not to, you can still help your favorite group win the prize — by volunteering at the blood draw.

The organizers said every participant will receive a free T-shirt and, while the supply lasts, a coupon for a chicken sandwich at the Chick-fil-A restaurant near the Arden Fair Mall in Sacramento. Participants also will be entered into drawings for an iPod Touch, IKEA gift cards and more.

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