Beyond Christmas

(This is a sidebar to "Diverse, unique religions mix.")

The following are some points to bear in mind in regard to different religions in the workplace:

  • Do not assume that everyone celebrates the same holidays or enjoys celebrating holidays the same way.
  • Increase your own and your department's understanding of the range of days that are significant in different religious-spiritual-cultural communities.
  • Before scheduling a "holiday" party, ask collectively, "What's the goal of this activity?" Then determine how inclusively the event meets the goal.
  • Before planning staff get-togethers, discuss with one another about the when, what and how for the event. An open dialogue often can elicit the kinds of activities, food, dates, etc., that will and will not work for all staff members.
  • Avoid scheduling major staff meetings or other significant events on sacred or holy days within the various religious-spiritual traditions.
  • With respect for all as the goal, be creative in planning department celebrations that are inclusive and fun.
  • If only one departmental celebration is planned annually, avoid scheduling it around the same holiday tradition every year.
  • Take advantage of campus resources to plan holiday gatherings that honor the various traditions within our campus community.

Source: Karen Roth, coordinator of the Diversity Education Program.

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