UC Davis' new bike enforcement officer, Mike Phillips, sees his role as being as much a teacher as an enforcer. Phillips says he prefers to talk to errant cyclists about their mistakes rather than write them a $27 ticket-unless they flagrantly violate the law or put themselves or others in danger. "It seems to be working," he says. "We've had very few accidents this year." With an estimated 15,000 to 18,000 bikes on campus every day, Phillips has his work cut out for him. He bikes about 12 miles a day on the job, and makes about 25 stops each week. "I go everywhere-from one edge of the campus to the other. There's probably not a path or trail I haven't been on sometime." The most common ticket for a moving violation is for riding at unsafe speed for the conditions. About 60 percent of students and 25 percent of staff and faculty members bike to campus. Those percentages have declined over the past decade as the city of Davis has grown and students live farther away.
Media Resources
Susanne Rockwell, Web and new media editor, (530) 752-2542, sgrockwell@ucdavis.edu