UC compensation issue raises questions, answers

The following information describes the UC Davis context in the UC-wide compensation issue, according to campus administration:

How many UC Davis employees make more than $200,000 a year?

About 265 of the campus's 28,000 employees earn more than $200,000 a year. Nearly 90 percent of them are physicians and medical professors at the UC Davis Health System, many of whom earn significant income by treating patients in their medical practices.

About 20 of the 265 are on the Davis campus, and are among the most senior faculty members in fields ranging from chemical engineering and genomics to law and business. Many of these faculty members hold prestigious memberships in the National Academy of Sciences. A handful of the high earners are in the campus administration, including the chancellor, provost, and dean of the medical school.

How do UC Davis salaries compare with the rest of the UC system?

UC Davis administrators and managers collectively have some of the lowest administrative salaries in the UC system. Chancellor Vanderhoef's salary is currently $280,700, approximately the median salary for the 10 chancellors. Vanderhoef is among UC's most senior chancellors, now entering his 12th year. Some chancellors have since been hired on other campuses at higher salaries, based on the market at the time of their appointment. Like other UC Davis employees, the chancellor did not have a raise between 2002 and 2005.

How is the Chancellor's Residence used, and how much does it cost to maintain?

At about $70,000 per year, UC Davis spends less on its chancellor's residence than all but one other UC campus. The Chancellor and his wife live in about one-third of the home, which also contains an after-hours office for the chancellor. The rest of the property was designed to accommodate large groups and is used year-round as a venue for official campus events. Each year, more than 2,000 community members, faculty, staff, students, donors, alumni, international and national visitors and other friends of the university attend functions ranging from the Picnic Day ice cream social to formal dinners honoring foreign dignitaries.

The chancellor purchased a home in Davis in 1984 when he was appointed executive vice chancellor at UC Davis. Required to live in the chancellor's residence when he was named chancellor in 1994, he and his wife have rented out their personal home in the interim.

Does UC Davis spend money on entertainment as has been reported for some of the other UC campuses?

UC Davis has campus policies that limit the amount of money that can be spent by campus units for events and entertainment. For example, no more than $400 can be spent to reward a departing or retiring employee. Some entertaining is a business necessity, for example, when prospective new professors or deans visit the campus or when major donors are considering a gift to the campus and want to learn more about us.

Media Resources

Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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