Tobacco Industry Whistle-blower to Speak at UC Davis

Jeffrey Wigand, who blew the whistle on the tobacco industry and whose story inspired the movie "The Insider," will speak at UC Davis on Wednesday, Feb. 16. His presentation, sponsored by the Campus Judicial Board and two anti-smoking groups, is part of Integrity Week, an annual event that highlights issues related to academic conduct. It will begin at 3 p.m. in the University Club. Other events include: * A workshop on the do's and don'ts of collaboration in the classroom at noon on Monday, Feb. 14, in the Mee Room of the Memorial Union Building; * The presentation of Integrity Scholarships recognizing two undergraduates who have exemplified a high degree of personal integrity at noon Tuesday, Feb. 15, in the Moss Room of the Memorial Union Building; * A workshop for instructors and teaching assistants on confronting dishonesty in the classroom at noon Thursday, Feb. 17, in Room 25 of Wellman Hall; * And a presentation by a representative of iParadigms on how plagiarism from the Internet can be detected at 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 17, in the Mee Room of the Memorial Union Building. Under the auspices of Student Judicial Affairs, student members of the Campus Judicial Board conduct ongoing programs to educate students and faculty members about the campus's academic conduct code and serve on hearing panels in cases of alleged academic misconduct. The recently released "Templeton Guide: Colleges that Encourage Character Development" recognized the board as one of 405 exemplary programs for the way it involves students as leaders in the disciplinary process and education.

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Julia Ann Easley, General news (emphasis: business, K-12 outreach, education, law, government and student affairs), 530-752-8248,