Staff Assembly this year continued its tradition of bestowing Citations for Excellence for the work that people do around campus.
Announcement of the 2007 awards came during the Thank Goodness for Staff Picnic on May 9. Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef hosted a reception for the honorees at his residence on May 22.
Individual awards
Ariel Abbott-Penny, Art, Art History and Technocultural Studies; Pam Mazanet Belleau and Alison Weir, Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology, Veterinary Medicine; Jamie Brannan, Food Science and Technology; Tracey Brooks and Katie Rustad, Physics; Candy Castorena and Anthony Volkar, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Deborah Dritz, Entomology; Nancy Dullum, Mosquito Research Program; Gloria Erwin, Student Programs and Activities Center; Lori Fuller, Human and Community Development; Deanna Christine Gordon, Internship and Career Center; Jeff Hahn and John Zertuche, Facilities: Operations and Maintenance; Suzanne Heer, Campus Recreation.
Kim Lamar and David Ricci, Sponsored Programs, Office of Research; Matthew Livingston, Animal Science; Kimberly Mahoney and Alyssa Gartung Villicana, Environmental Science and Policy; Glen Mangseth, Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior; Ginah Monroy, UC Davis Extension; Kim Pearson, Psychology; Mary Cathe Richardson, dean's office, College of Engineering.
Diane Vandepuete and Diana Wiggins, Nutrition; Paul VerWey, Media Works, Information and Educational Technology; Pheng Vongkhamchanh, Government Information and Maps, Shields Library; Andrew Wolin, business agreements, Purchasing; Adrienne Wonhof, Women's Resources and Research Center; Mary Yandel, Biological and Agricultural Engineering.
Team awards
Academic Personnel, College of Agriculture — Chris diMuro and Kim De Laughder.
Anthropology — Candy Clark, Louise Day, Royce McClellan, Peggy Slaven, Edie Stasulat and Jeff Trask.
Biological Sciences Space Database — Kelly Newsom, John Weston and Marcia Wienert.
Davis Financial Information System (DaFIS) Help Desk, Accounting and Financial Services — Jim Seibert, Jim Hewlett, Reina Dela Cruz and Christian Hiner.
Environmental Science and Policy Business — Alyssa Gartung, Shirley Holm, Nancy Louks and Paula Nasater.
Financial Assistance, Physics — Connie Fong and Onelia Yan.
Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program, College of Agriculture — Ginny Buckner, Jennifer Benke, Karl Schroeder and Bill Benford.
Gourley Center, Veterinary Medicine — Vet Tech: Nicole White, Bob Favorite and Morgan Laurie. Animal Tech: Jennifer Child and Brook Overfield.
Internship and Career Center Support Staff — Sharon McDonell, Mary Sieminski, Mesena Pimentel, Deanna Gordon, Stephanie Perla, Lesllie Nevins, Lanette Olsen, Irene Medina, Hannah Moore, Joe Scuderi and Quan Ngo.
Microbiology Business — Eva Jakab, Rani Asato and Ellen Vick.
Molecular and Cellular Biology Lab — Teresa Lynch, Yan An and Rongzhong Shao.
National Research Council Survey, Office of Graduate Studies — Yuhang Shi, Helen Paik, Ian Blake, Barbara Breeden, Cathy Jurado, Donna Davies, Levada McDowell, Lee Wilce and Dick Warg.
Nutrition Business Operations — Adriana Gonzales, Diane Vandepuete, Eric Thompson, Georgeanne Meggers-Smith, Marina Ramos, Marianne Goetz, Patricia Peacock, Penny Williams, Sylvia Whitley and Vita Cooper.
Office Staff, Biological and Agricultural Engineering — Leigh Ann Empie, Kay Resler, Kathy Rodriguez and Christine Tracy.
Personnel-Payroll, Nutrition — Shylia Silva and Sylvia Whitley.
Public Events, Graduate School of Management — Becky Heard, Diana Vail, Dawn May and Lee Oerding.
Safety Coordinators, Biological and Agricultural Engineering — Kameron Chun, Victor Duraj and Loan-anh Nguyen.
Summer Sessions Team, Undergraduate Studies — Lisa Borchard, Arlene Jones and Lenora Bruce.
Veterinary Medicine, Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology Business Office — Nicole Gibson, Jane Ryan, Tania Heta, Maggie Leung and Lark Letchworth.
Media Resources
Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932,