Young Jake Rosenthal shows off his pumpkin while Grandpa Dave Bayer of Vegetable Crops, Darla Rosenthal and Sharla Bayer wait for a hay ride back to festivities at the annual Pick a Pumpkin Party. About 300 people turned out Oct. 21 for Vegetable Crops' annual event, held just west of Highway 113. Turnout went beyond Veg Crops families this year, said Karen McVarish. "We're merging with Pomology and Environmental Horticulture, and Agronomy and Range Science. So we extended a welcome to these new sections." Don Nevins, director of the vegetable research and information center, chairs the event. A potluck and pumpkin carving contest were held, and hay rides brought attendees to "Jim's (Jim Jackson of Vegetable Crops) Secret Pumpkin Patch."