SARS advisory group comes together

The campus has formed an advisory committee on matters related to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

With its members drawn from a cross-section of campus, the committee will:

• Recommend actions and policy matters for consideration by the Council of Vice Chancellors;

• Serve as the formal contact with UC's Office of the President and receive guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization in applying SARS standards;

• Take questions and provide advice to campus units and community members; and

• Serve as the primary contact for campus members and the public and formulate appropriate communications to the campus community.

Medical advisory members are Neil Speth, an associate physician with Human Resources and Risk Management of the UC Davis Health System; Michael O'Malley, director of Employee Health Services at UC Davis; and Michelle Famula and Tom Ferguson, director and medical director, respectively, for Cowell Student Health Center.

Administrative advisory members are Beth Greenwood, chair of international programs for UC Davis Extension; Anne George and Elka Breker, assistant directors in the office of Services for Internation-al Students and Scholars; Connie Melendy, assistant vice provost; Carl Foreman, director of Environmen-tal Health and Safety; Jan Gong, assistant vice chancellor for student affairs; Dennis Shimek, senior associate vice chancellor and special adviser to the chancellor on human resources; Maril Stratton, assistant vice chancellor for public communications; and Elizabeth Meyer, director of occupational health, injury and disability services in Human Resources.

Ex-officio members are Joseph Silva, dean of the School of Medicine; Stan Nosek, interim vice chancellor for administration; Judy Sakaki, vice chancellor for student affairs; Virginia Hinshaw, provost and executive vice chancellor; and William Lacy, vice provost for university outreach and international programs.

-- Dateline staff report

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