Rose steps down as vice chancellor

Celeste Rose
Celeste Rose

After a 22-year career leading various advancement functions at UC, Celeste Rose has announced that she plans to step down from her position as vice chancellor for university relations effective June 30.

"I do so knowing that the campus advancement program is stronger than when I arrived," said Rose, who, since 1998, has served as vice chancellor overseeing more than 180 employees in development, government and community relations, cultural programs, alumni relations and communications.

"On my watch, we have created a more robust environment of public understanding and support, begun to invest the resources necessary to strengthen the campus advancement infrastructure and laid a solid foundation upon which to launch the campus's first comprehensive campaign. UC Davis is now well positioned to achieve its aspirations."

After spending some time with her family and fully recovering from injuries suffered in a car accident this past spring, Rose will return to UC Davis as a senior adviser to Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef, working on advancement matters of mutual interest.

"Over the last few months of my recuperation, I've had opportunity to reflect — I've been in the workplace over 40 years, most of that time working at 'warp speed,' and determined it's time to try to achieve that ever-elusive balance in my life," said Rose. "I'll be able to pursue long-deferred interests, yet remain involved in the life of the academy in a different capacity. I have great confidence that the direction provided by the University Relations campus advancement plan, and the guidance of UR's able leadership, will sustain momentum during the transition."

Said Vanderhoef: "The campus owes much to Celeste for her leadership these past seven years. She has strengthened the overall advancement function at UC Davis, coalescing an effective and integrated team of advancement professionals who have made demonstrable strides in alumni relations, communications, fund raising, government and community relations, and in the support services that enable those advancement activities to succeed."

Accomplishments during Rose's tenure have included the successful conclusion of the Center for the Arts fund-raising campaign, the largest campus-wide fund-raising effort to date. She also oversaw the growth of UC Davis Presents, the opening of the Robert and Margrit Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts and the first three seasons of the presenting program in that venue. Rose also has worked to position the campus for its first comprehensive fund-raising campaign, including securing the resources necessary to launch the effort in the near term.

"The provost and I are appreciative of her contributions to the continuing maturation and development of University Relations and of the campus more broadly," Vanderhoef said.

Prior to joining UC Davis, Rose had already served the UC system in numerous capacities. She spent 13 years with the UC Office of the President, as a lobbyist for the UC system, and as a management fellow, special assistant and assistant vice president for university relations in service to three past UC Presidents. She also was a legislative aide for the state's then-Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, and was public affairs director for the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

"I am most proud to have served my alma mater as the first and only African American vice chancellor for university relations in UC's history," Rose said. "I am a product of the UC system. I am a member of the UC family. I value my relationship with the institution."

Rose has served on numerous regional and higher education boards and committees. She is currently president of the Council on University Relations and Development to, and serves on the board of directors for, the National Association of Land Grant Universities and Colleges. She is a board member of California for Higher Education, a political action committee that advocates on behalf of general obligation bond measures to provide facilities for colleges and universities.

Her regional involvement includes board service on KVIE, and on the regional arts strategic planning task force of the Sacramento Chamber of Commerce. Last year, she was named by Sacramento Magazine as one of the region's top 20 women professionals.

She holds a law degree from UC Davis and a bachelor's degree from UCLA.

Sandeen to step in

While the campus prepares to launch a national search for Rose's successor, Beverly (Babs) Sandeen, currently assistant vice chancellor for alumni relations, will provide interim leadership of University Relations. Jennifer Barber, currently director of marketing for the Cal Aggie Alumni Association, will serve as acting assistant vice chancellor for alumni relations.

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