A number of salary adjustments will go into effect Oct. 1 for faculty and staff at UC Davis. The changes will be seen in paychecks that follow later that month or in November.
All faculty members (Academic Federation and Academic Senate members) will receive a 2 percent cost of living adjustment.
In addition, those within the Academic Senate will receive an additional 3 percent parity adjustment, according to Carol Tomlinson-Keasey, vice provost for academic programs and personnel. This will bring senate faculty salaries within 5.5 percent of the average of comparison institutions.
The parity adjustment is part of a three-year plan to restore faculty salaries that currently lag about 10 percent behind comparison institutions by 1998-99.
Faculty members eligible for merits this year received increases July 1.
Staff personnel will receive salary increases starting on Oct. 1 from a 4 percent pool made up of 2 percent for range adjustments and 2 percent for merits, according to Dennis Shimek, associate vice chancellor for human resources and risk management.
The universitywide salary grade structure will be adjusted by 2 percent, also effective Oct. 1.
Funding at the level of a 2 percent general increase (range adjustment) for eligible employees in step-based salary plans will be effective Oct. 1, and merit increases will be funded on the same schedule as 1995-96. As in last academic year, the funding level for six-month and casual increases is based on a six-month delay from the date they would have been awarded.
Media Resources
Lisa Lapin, Executive administration, (530) 752-9842, lalapin@ucdavis.edu