Napolitano and May Issue Statements on Immigration
June 19, 2018: UC President Janet Napolitano and Chancellor Gary S. May issue statements on the growing humanitarian crisis at the southern border of the United States and call out the government for playing politics with the lives of DACA recipients. [More …]

UC Bouyed by 3rd Ruling Against DACA Rescission
April 25, 2018: The university says the April 24 ruling by U.S. District Court Judge John Bates in Washington, D.C., mirrors a federal judge’s decision Jan. 9 in San Francisco and a similar ruling Feb. 13 in U.S. District Court in New York. The first two rulings came with orders prohibiting the government from ending DACA; the Trump administration filed appeals in both cases. [More …]

UC Principles of Support
March 28, 2018: UC’s Statement of Principles in Support of Undocumented Members of the UC Community (issued in November 2016), in which the university says it will protect the privacy and civil rights of the undocumented members of the UC community and direct UC police departments not to undertake joint efforts with any government agencies to enforce federal immigration law. [More …]

FAQ on Immigration Enforcement Actions
March 28, 2018: Charles F. Robinson, general counsel and vice president of UC Legal Affairs, answers frequently asked questions about the university’s stance on federal immigration enforcement actions that could occur on UC property and provides information about how to respond in such a situation. [More …]

UC Grateful for Support in DACA Case
March 21, 2018: UC President Janet Napolitano expresses the university’s gratitude for the many amicus (friend of the court) briefs filed in support of UC and the other plaintiffs in their DACA lawsuit against the Trump administration. She said the plaintiffs have the backing of “a large and diverse coalition of amici, including 119 religious institutions, 102 companies and trade associations, 65 colleges and universities, and 40 cities and counties.” [More …]

UC Statement on Supreme Court’s DACA Decision
Feb. 26, 2018: As UC had hoped, the high court turns down the Trump administration’s bid for immediate review of District Court rulings that protect the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program from being shut down March 5. Instead, the administration must take the regular appeal route. [More …]

Police: No Sweeps, No Assistance on Federal Raids
Jan. 23, 2018: Chancellor Gary S. May and Police Chief Joseph A. Farrow reiterate UC Davis’ position on immigration enforcement: Campus police will not conduct sweeps, nor assist in any federal raids or otherwise participate in efforts to detain suspected undocumented members of our university community. [More …]

UC Responds to Push for Supreme Court Ruling on DACA
Jan. 16, 2018: UC says it will oppose the federal government’s “highly unusual attempt” to take an appeal directly to the Supreme Court, in a case challenging the Trump administration’s rescission of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. In the meantime, a District Court's Jan. 9 injunction remains in place, requiring the government to accept DACA renewal applications — and UC officials are urging all DACA recipients to submit their applications as soon as possible. [More …]

UC Statement on Federal Court’s DACA Ruling
Jan. 9, 2018: “This crucial decision allows nearly 800,000 DACA recipients to stay in the United States as lawsuits over the legality of the DACA rescission make their way through the courts,” the statement reads. “Unfortunately ... it does not negate, nor lessen, the urgent need for permanent protection” — so UC will keep fighting the Trump administration’s rescission of DACA, supporting legislation for permanent protection, and providing services and aid to UC’s undocumented students. [More …]

Chancellor May’s Statement on DACA Decision
Sept. 5, 2017: Chancellor Gary S. May expresses grave disappointment in the White House decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. He says UC Davis is home to a dedicated community of DACA students from across the globe, and that the university’s AB 540 and Undocumented Student Center is a model of empowerment, opportunity and equity. [More …]

UC Regents Affirm Support for DACA and Dreamers
Sept. 5, 2017: “We will continue to provide (UC Dreamers) with essential legal and support services to guide them through these uncertain times and to safeguard their privacy,” reads a portion of statement from George Kieffer, chair of the Board of Regents; John A. Pérez, vice chair; and Monica Lozano, chair of the Public Engagement Committee. [More …]

UC President Calls for Legislative Action on DACA
Sept. 5, 2017: Janet Napolitano says young Dreamers “need our protection and encouragement, and it is incumbent upon Congress to approve legislation that removes the uncertainty caused by President Trump’s misguided decision.” [More …]

Chancellor May: ‘Incitement to Violence Is Not Speech’
Aug. 17, 2017: “This terrorizing display of racism and hate (in Charlottesville, Virginia) has raised questions about the limits on freedom of expression. ... Incitement to violence is not speech. Terrorism is not dialogue. Freedom of speech is about new ideas, not old hate.” [More ...]

Napolitano Calls for Permanent Protection of ‘Dreamers’
Aug. 11, 2017: In Washington Post op-ed, the UC president and former secretary of Homeland Security says she will never forget the first day of applications for DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, five years ago. “Tens of thousands of some of the best and brightest young people in our country applied to the program and celebrated their ability to live, work and learn in the only nation most of them had ever known,” Napolitano says. Now is the time to make this protection permanent, she concludes. [More ...]

Chancellor May’s Statement on Public University Admissions
Aug. 2, 2017: Chancellor Gary S. May affirms UC President Janet Napolitano’s statement regarding the Justice Department’s reported review of admissions practices. “Like her, I’m troubled that the proposed charge to the Office of Civil Rights may lead to a chilling effect on equitable access to high quality education.” [More ...]

UC Responds to New Order, Issues Preliminary Guidance
March 6, 2017: Statement reads, in part, “The Trump administration’s new executive order banning citizens of six nations from entering the United States is anathema to advancing knowledge and international cooperation.” The Office of the President also issues preliminary guidance on the revised order. [More ...]

In Support of Transgender Members of UC Community
Feb. 23, 2017: In a statement, UC says it will continue to ensure that its transgender students, faculty and staff have unrestricted access to restrooms that conform to their gender identities. We also link to the UC Davis map showing all gender-inclusive restrooms on campus. [More ...]

Forum Addresses Concerns Over Immigration Order
Feb. 7, 2017: More than 250 people attend Feb. 2 event where campus leaders offer answers and resources to such concerns as, “Scholar and student visas are expiring — how can the university help?” and “What is happening with applications from overseas for admission to graduate school in the fall?” [More ...]

New UCOP Website: Information on Immigration
Feb. 3, 2017: The UC Office of the President, noting again that “the executive order restricting entry to the United States is contrary to our values,” gathers the presidential orders, along with UC statements and campus statements, university resources and policies, advocacy efforts on behalf of immigrants, and news related to the controversy. [More ...]

Faculty, Students, Alumni Aid Detainees
Jan. 31, 2017: Holly Cooper, co-director, describes the immigration Law Clinic’s “nonstop legal response” to President Trump’s executive order. One team worked at San Francisco International Airport, others worked at the law school, preparing emergency motions for court, arguing the people being detained were being held unconstitutionally. [More ...]

Interim Chancellor Hexter: Affirming Our Staunch Support
Jan. 30, 2017: He says he and other administrators are reaching out to students and scholars affected by the executive order and offering support. “I encourage you to be mindful of all those among us who are fearful for themselves, their family members or friends. We must, as a daily practice, be compassionate and supportive, but more than ever at times like this.” [More ...]

‘We Are Enriched By Our Friends From Around the World’
Jan. 30, 2017: In a joint message, Interim Chancellor Ralph J. Hexter and Davis Mayor Robb Davis say our friend from around the world contribute in myriad ways to our community and our university. “They are part of us.” [More ...]

Global Affairs and SISS Offer Support
Jan. 30, 2017: Joanna Regulska, vice provost and associate chancellor of Global Affairs, and Wesley Young, director of Services for International Students and Scholars, say: “We are committed to the support of all international students and scholars, and will continue to work to make UC Davis a desired destination for those who would join us in our mission of teaching, research and public service.” [More ...]

UC Leadership: ‘Order Is Contrary to Our Values’
Jan. 29, 2017: President Janet Napolitano and all the UC chancellors say they are “committed to supporting all members of the UC community who are impacted by this executive action.” [More ...]

Interim Chancellor Responds to Trump Order
Jan. 28, 2017: “Like many of you, I am deeply troubled by President Trump’s executive order restricting entry into the country by people from seven countries. Our university is one that embraces scholars and workers of all backgrounds and ideals, which is rooted in our Principles of Community.” [More ...]

UCOP Issues Guidance on Executive Order
Jan. 28, 2017: The UC Office of the President issues “Guidance for the UC Community on the Executive Order Affecting Visa Processes and Entry Into the United States.” [More ...]

Hexter Urges Climate Action by Trump and Congress
Dec. 20, 2016: Interim Chancellor Ralph J. Hexter joined more than 170 other university and college leaders by signing an open letter to the president-elect and Congress urging them to take action to fight climate change and continue research on the changing planet. [More ...]

Regional Support for ‘All of Our Students’
Dec. 9, 2016: The leaders of UC Davis, California State University, Sacramento, and the Los Rios Community College District declare in Sacramento Bee op-ed: “To meet evolving economic needs, it’s critical that we continue to provide access to all students who can benefit from a college education and contribute to our state.” [More …]

Sen. Dianne Feinstein: ‘Dreamers Fear Deportation’
Dec. 7, 2016: In an op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein describes Denisse Rojas’ journey from Mexico as a 10-month-old, to UC Berkeley and now to medical school. “The fear that Dreamers and their families can be targeted for deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement is real,” the Democrat says. “This is unacceptable and not the America I know.” [More …]

UC Academic Council Supports Principles
Dec. 6, 2016: The UC Academic Council, which includes the Academic Senate divisional chairs from each campus, endorses the UC Principles in Support of Undocumented Members of the UC Community. [More …]

Principles in Support of UC Community Members
Nov. 30, 2016: UC announces it “will vigorously protect the privacy and civil rights of the undocumented members of the UC community and will direct its police departments not to undertake joint efforts with any government agencies to enforce federal immigration law.” [More ...]

‘The Truth About Young Immigrants and DACA’
Nov. 30, 2016: In a New York Times op-ed, UC President Janet Napolitano outlines the “careful, rational and lawful reasons for creating the program” that delays immigration action against people who came to the U.S. as children. These so-called Dreamers, she writes, are valuable contributors to their community who deserve to live, study and work freely in the United States. [More ...]

State’s 3 College Systems Send Letter to Trump
Nov. 29, 2016: UC President Napolitano joins the leaders of the California State University and California Community College systems in urging President-elect Trump to allow students who are in the country illegally to continue their educations without fear of deportation. [More ...]

Hundreds of University Leaders Support DACA
Interim Chancellor Ralph J. Hexter signs letter with hundreds of other chancellors and presidents, citing “moral imperative” and “national necessity” in supporting Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. [More ...]

UC Undocumented Legal Services Center FAQ
Updated Nov. 23, 2016: If you are an undocumented student who is currently abroad, you are advised to be back in the United States before Inauguration Day (Jan. 20). [More …]

Hexter Answers Faculty, Staff and Students
Nov. 22, 2016: The interim chancellor reiterates his support for all members of our campus community and says he will not remain silent in the face of messages or actions that are designed to stifle discussion by promoting fear and intolerance. [More ...]

Interim Chancellor Defends Diversity
Nov. 16, 2016: “Although the First Amendment may give someone the right to criticize UC Davis’ proud commitment to diversity, it also gives me the right to condemn messages such as the ones we were subjected to this week.” [More ...]

Statement on Election Results
Nov. 9, 2016: UC President Napolitano and all chancellors declare: “Diversity is central to our mission. We remain absolutely committed to supporting all members of our community and adhering to UC’s Principles Against Intolerance.” [More ...]
“Caring staff are ready to support you,” campus leaders advised students, staff and faculty after the presidential election.
Services for International Students and Scholars
- Web: http://siss.ucdavis.edu
- Email: siss@ucdavis.edu
- Phone: 530-752-0864
UC Undocumented Legal Services Center
Operating out of the UC Davis School of Law, the center provides free legal assistance to students and their families at UC Davis and all the other UCs except Berkeley (which has its own center).
Student Resource and Retention Centers
Walk-in support and healing spaces.
- AB540 and Undocumented Student Center
- Cross Cultural Center
- Student Recruitment and Retention Center
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Resource Center
- Women’s Resources and Research Center
- Center for African Diaspora Student Success
- Office of Chican@/Latin@ Academic Student Success
- Native American Retention Initiative
Counseling Services for Students
Available to all registered students regardless of insurance coverage.
- Appointment information is available online; arrange appointments in person in North Hall, or by phone, 530-752-2349.
- Walk-in urgent-care mental health services — Available in the Student Health and Wellness Center. You can also speak with an advice nurse: 530-752-2349.
Student Housing Resident Advisors
Resident advisors and area coordinators are available to meet with students who live in campus housing.
Counseling Services for Faculty and Staff
Academic and Staff Assistance Program
- Web: http://www.hr.ucdavis.edu/ASAP
- Schedule appointments by calling 530-752-2727 or sending an email to slree@ucdavis.edu.
Office of the Ombuds
Confidential, independent, impartial and informal problem-solving and conflict management resource for all members of the UC Davis campus community: students, staff and faculty.
Media Resources
Dateline Staff, 530-752-6556, dateline@ucdavis.edu