New Payroll System Gets Rave Reviews In Customer Satisfaction Poll

If you use it, you love it! Ninety six percent of responses in a recent customer service survey indicated the Payroll/Personnel Decision Support system is easy to use and 89 percent to 90 percent believes the campus is moving in the right direction in development of Data Warehouse and Decision Support tools. Kudos to Information Resources staff for developing these wonderful tools! Kudos also to central Payroll Services staff, recognized by 93 percent of respondents as considerate and courteous in their interaction with departmental customers, with the knowledge to answer questions (88 percent) and effective at resolving problems (84 percent). More kudos to all central office staff involved in moving us in a positive direction with on-line time reporting (86 percent) and on-line personnel action form and personal data changes (84 percent). In a series of meetings last year, Payroll Services managers from all nine UC campuses, together with Kris Hafner from the Office of the President's Partnership for Performance Project, used the balanced scorecard approach to establish goals for four performance perspectives: customer service perspective, internal business perspective, financial perspective, and innovation and learning perspective. The group then developed a survey to assess customer satisfaction with UC payroll services. Survey results will be used to help us evaluate priorities and focus limited resources on those areas most critical to meeting customer needs. The Davis campus distributed the survey to 311 departmental customers earlier this year and received 101 responses (32 percent return rate). Our target respondent was the one individual per department primarily responsible for payroll services and with the highest level of interaction with Accounting and Financial Services Payroll Division staff. Plans are in the works for a future survey targeted to individual employees to assess their level of satisfaction with payroll services. When asked to rate the overall quality of service provided by the payroll office, 54 of 89 respondents (61 percent) chose good or excellent, while 35 (39 percent) chose fair or poor. Participants were also asked to provide written comments, examples and suggestions for improvement. The main themes found in the responses were a need for increased staffing levels in the central payroll office, better response time to requests for service from central payroll staff, more and better training for departmental and central payroll staff, including manuals or reference materials, and improvements to the system to make it more user-friendly. Based on survey results, our focus for the coming year will be to increase access to payroll staff and decrease response time to customer needs. We will schedule more training for non-resident alien issues, on-line time reporting and general payroll processes and procedures. By the end of the calendar year, all departments should have on-line update access to the system for PAF and personal data changes. In 1999-00, on-line time reporting should also be in use by all departments. As these changes decrease the processing workload for central payroll staff, more resources will be directed toward reduced response time, increased training time, development of tools for users and building improved relationships with departments. Approximately 23 percent (112 of 486) of home department units are now actively using on-line PAF/personal data and/or on-line time reporting and the benefits are starting to be felt by all. Further details on survey results will soon be posted to the Accounting and Services Web site, Our sincere thanks go to all of those who took the time to complete the survey and especially to those who added comments to assist us in understanding how to serve you better.

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