Feb. 23-27, Monday through Friday -- Graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and research faculty who want to learn how to analyze, enhance, and communicate the broader potential impact of their research, explore business opportunities and build the skill set for a career in industry are invited to attend this five-day meeting at UC Davis’ Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center. The academy, co-presented by the UC Davis Center for Entrepreneurship and the Foods for Health Institute, draws students from the United States and abroad. It is designed for individuals doing research in fields related to foods, nutrition and human health. Guest faculty will be drawn from the venture capital community, industry executives and legal firms. The academy, sponsored by Unilever Corporate Ventures and PepsiCo, can enroll as many as 45 participants in the February program, and applications and further details are available at http://entrepreneurship.ucdavis.edu/health.php. Applications must be received by Jan. 9, 2009. Faculty researchers, doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers in fields relevant to foods, nutrition and human health are eligible to apply. Fellowships will be provided to all accepted students, covering tuition, materials and lodging. News media are welcome to attend the academy free of charge but should make arrangements to do so through Nicole Starsinic, associate director, (530) 574-6531, nstarsinic@ucdavis.edu, or visit http://entrepreneurship.ucdavis.edu.
Media Resources
Pat Bailey, Research news (emphasis: agricultural and nutritional sciences, and veterinary medicine), 530-219-9640, pjbailey@ucdavis.edu