Remember who bought our freedom to express opinions

Dear Editor:

I was glad to see the letter to the editor in the Oct. 31 issue of Dateline, in which the author felt that ROTC faculty member Russ Meyer did not belong in the campus spotlight. (See the Oct. 17 Dateline at www.news.ucdavis. edu/dateline/.) It reminded me that we are all free to express our opinions at this university -- at a price bought and paid for by persons wearing the same uniform Russ Meyer wears. That uniform is not a symbol of the militarization of the United States -- it is a symbol that our nation has the desire and will to pursue freedom for ourselves and others. We may not always succeed in that pursuit, but it is a noble goal.

If you were to wear that uniform, you might not always smile, and you might look a little stern. War has a way of doing that to you.

At an academic institution, I feel it is important to be able to present a balance of views on important issues. I am glad that we have someone here like Russ Meyer to give his perspective on the price of freedom.

-- Leonard Miller, Accounting and Financial Services

Thank you for story

Dear Editor:

Thank you for the Oct. 17 Breaktime profile of ROTC Assistant Adjunct Professor Russ Meyer. It is refreshing to see Dateline featuring staff in this long established, but often forgotten program in the UC Davis academic family.

I think the photo accompanying the article presents an image of UC Davis' rigorous academic endeavor.

-- Ken Ealy, Labor Relations

Conflict may be misguided, but let's not misdirect our disdain

Dear Editor:

Paul Dorn's letter (Dateline, Oct. 31) reminded me of the true meaning of peaceful conflict resolution. Being a pacifist myself, I don't celebrate ROTC as an exclusive opportunity for education, but I acknowledge Russ Meyer's contribution to the campus.

I don't blame him for any misguided use of force in which America participates.

We can all be better peacemakers if we save our disdain for the decision-makers that send these kids to war, and respect our neighbors in the campus community, whether or not we agree with their role in campus life.

-- Suanne Klahorst, California Institute of Food and Agricultural Research

Media Resources

Amy Agronis, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, abagronis@ucdavis.edu

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