Law, education, GSM win communications awards

More Laurels

By Dateline staff

Communications teams in three of UC Davis’ professional schools won gold, silver and bronze for two magazines and a website, in the 2012 Awards of Excellence program run by District VII of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.

In the CASE District VII judging of advancement services programs, the School of Law’s King Hall Counselor magazine won gold in the category of individual alumni relations publication and the School of Education’s Catalyst magazine took silver in the category of print tabloids and newsletters for external audiences.

Pam Wu is director of marketing and communications at the law school, and Donna Justice holds the same title at the School of Education. Wu commended Joe Martin, senior writer, and Sam Sellers, graphic designer, for their contributions to the King Hall Counselor, while Justice gave a shout-out to Steve Dana of the campus’s Mediaworks unit for his work in the original design of the Catalyst and the ongoing work of laying out each issue.

In the judging of integrated advancement programs, the Graduate School of Management earned a bronze in the category of complete institutional websites. Tim Akin, the GSM’s director of marketing, called the achievement “quite remarkable” given that the website does not represent an institution (i.e., an entire university), but only a school within a university. But “complete institutional website” was the only category that fit, Akin said.

“Kudos to GSM Web strategist and online marketing manager Lindsay Hardy for his project management, vision, design skills and technological expertise leading the rebuild and launch of our new site last September on a very aggressive timeline,” Akin said.

He also gave a shout-out to Digital Deployment of Sacramento, led by GSM alumnus Mac Clemmens, and his top-notch team "who put their hearts and souls into this site and pushed the envelope to make it happen."

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