Today (Oct. 15) we introduce a redesigned Dateline UC Davis email and a University News page dedicated to campus news.

First, the email: In a survey that drew more than 1,000 responses earlier this year, many of our readers asked for more imagery. In the old Dateline e-newsletter, we presented one image per week, in what we called our “Spotlight” story. The new Dateline can accommodate multiple showcase stories, each with a photo or graphic — there are five in today’s issue.
Our audience also asked for a more readable design, and we’ve worked to achieve this with a new layout that emphasizes our different sections, and by highlighting a select number of headlines and events, rather than presenting long lists.
But this does not mean we are providing less content; it will just be in different places — mostly on the University News page, which anyone can view but is primarily intended for our campus community. This is turn frees up our News & Information page for research coverage and other UC Davis news that we believe will appeal to a wider audience. Occasionally, a campus story will appear on both pages — News & Information and University News — when we believe the subject matter will be of interest to external and internal audiences.
We hope you will bookmark the University News page, where Dateline stories will be posted throughout the week. Or, from the UC Davis home page, click on “University News” in the "News” drop-down menu near the top of the page.
We are also providing links in each week’s e-newsletter to additional content on the UC Davis website. For example:
- “Campus News” — We have two of these headlines in today’s Dateline, followed by a link to “more campus news,” where you will find a mix of Human Resources and professional training news, police and fire reports, and our annual list of new members of the Quarter Century Club (and more than 100 50-year members, too).
- “Announcements” — This section includes a link to a running list of announcements that range from executive recruitments and calls for nominations for various awards, to notices about road work and other campus construction.
- “Featured Colloquia” and “Upcoming Events” — Talk about a long list! Lectures, seminars and symposia; concerts; theatre productions and art exhibitions; tours and plant sales in the arboretum — all the things we love about working at this university. You won’t see everything in Dateline, but there is a comprehensive listing elsewhere: the online campus calendar, and we hope you will visit there often.
Finally, we’ve carried over The Download, our weekly sampling of social media posts and videos and fun stuff you might have missed. Need a reason to check out today’s Download? Think cats!
Please let us know what you think of the new Dateline UC Davis. Write us at