Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender pride week set

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Resource Center on campus will host its annual Pride Week druing Oct. 17-21. With the theme "Queering the Campus, One Day at A Time," the pride week will feature workshops to honor the LGBT community. Most events are free and open to the public and campus community.

"This year's theme addresses the on-going work of making our campus queer friendly, as well as highlighting the individual topics of each day of pride week," says Ed'd Luna, Community Intern, LGBT Resource Center, and chair of the Pride Week committee.

Some highlights from the week include keynote speaker Faisal Alam on "Hidden Voices — The Lives of Queer Muslims," the LGBT Resource Fair, Safe Zone training, and "Davis is Burning," a skit put on by Delta Lambda Phi. Co-sponsors for the weeks events include: Office of Campus Community Relations, the Gender and Sexuality Commission of ASUCD Chancellor's Committee on LGBTI Issues, Women's Resource and Research Center, and the Cal Aggie Christian Association.

For more information, contact Sheri Atkinson, director of the LGBT Resource Center at (530)752-2452 or

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