Farm to College dinner one of many Food Day events

Graphic: Food Day 2012 logo
Graphic: Food Day 2012 logo


• Wednesday, Oct. 24 — UC Davis Farmers Market, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Silo Patio. Also check out Julia Luckenbill's photo essay, Farm to School Across the Lifespan, in the Craft Center Gallery, South Silo. Luckenbill, a Craft Center volunteer, works as infant-toddler program coordinator and demonstration lecturer at UC Davis’ Center for Child and Family Studies.

• Wednesday, Oct. 24 — Eat Real Every Day, cooking class (for UC Davis students only), 11 a.m.-noon, Student Health and Wellness Center.

• Wednesday, Oct. 24 — Got Breakfast? Drop by the Student Health and Wellness Center, noon-8 p.m., to pick up recipe cards that will have you eating real for breakfast.

• Wednesday, Oct. 24 — Farm to College dinner, 4:45-8 p.m., Segundo, Tercero and Cuarto dining commons. Open to everyone in the campus community. For people without meal plans, the price is $11.60 (UC Davis staff with identification or Staff Assembly pin) or $14.50 (general public).

• Thursday, Oct. 25 — Change the Way You Think About Food. Learn about the newest dietary guidelines and commit to changes you can make right now. Presented by Linda Adams, registered dietitian, director of sustainability and nutrition for Dining Services. Noon-1 p.m., MU II, Memorial Union (second floor).

More information and the complete schedule.

UC Davis doubles down Wednesday (Oct. 24) in celebration of a local and more sustainable food system on campus and off.

First, the entire day is Food Day, a national event that has the backing of the UC system. UC Living Well has even come up with a slogan: “UC Eats Real.”

Second, Oct. 24 brings UC Davis’ first Farm to College dinner of the new academic year. Dining Services presents Farm to College twice annually to showcase the university’s commitment to menus featuring sustainably produced and humanely raised food from the campus and surrounding area.

Farm to College will be held next week at all three dining commons for students who live in the residence halls, and for everyone else in the campus community, too. See box for details.

Besides a good meal, Farm to College offers an opportunity for students and guests to learn about the power of their food dollar and consumer choice, and where their food comes from — all of which is in keeping with the Food Day movement toward more healthy, affordable and sustainable food.

Farm to College also includes gardening and craft activities and games.

Here are some of the items from next week’s Farm to College menu:

Entrees — Roasted Butternut Squash (with squash from the Student Farm); Grilled Flat-Iron Country Natural Beef Steak; Thyme Roasted, Pasture-Raised Mary’s Chicken; Fresh Pasta with UC Davis Russell Ranch Roasted Tomato Sauce; and Gorgonzola and Grape Pizza.

Sides — Sweet Potato Wedges, Sautéed Dwelley Green Beans with Almonds, and Autumn Pear Salad.

Desserts — Fresh Greene and Hemly Ranch Apple Gallette, and Spice Pumpkin Cake with Pecan Streusel.

Note: Vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options available.

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