March 7, Friday -- A symposium at the UC Davis School of Law will address ways to make the global economy fair for workers while preserving the place of national and international organizations in democratic governance. A morning panel discussion will examine human trafficking, migrant workers and their smuggling, and the anti-sweatshop movement. An afternoon panel will explore labor and environmental standards, the role of organizations in dealing with corruption in Russia and Central Asian states, and trade and labor standards. "Workers and International Economic Organizations: Roles and Responsibilities in a Global Economy," is being organized by the UC Davis Journal of International Law and Policy. Free and open to the public, the symposium will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Moot Court Room of King Hall.
Media Resources
Julia Ann Easley, General news (emphasis: business, K-12 outreach, education, law, government and student affairs), 530-752-8248,