Who has four legs, wears a black coat and works alongside medical staff? Huggie, the newest member of the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center team and the first facility dog at UC Davis Health. The 2-year-old Labrador retriever supports children receiving treatments in the Pediatric Infusion Center.
Huggie works Monday through Friday with his foster mom and child life specialist Jenny Belke, to help normalize the environment and motivate pediatric patients, and reduce any fear, stress, anxiety or pain they may be feeling.
Read more on the UC Davis Health website.
Cast your vote for best grad cap

Before the Class of 2018 left UC Davis, many of them took one last chance to show off their personality by decorating their graduation caps. More than 200 of those students entered the university's annual grad cap contest, and voting is open through 5 p.m. Thursday (June 21).
Above are some of the early front-runners. To case your vote, visit the UC Davis Facebook page and "like" your favorite caps. The winner will receive a $250 Amazon gift card and other items.
Celebrating Aggie Compass

Students should be able to focus on their classwork, not where their next meal is going to come from, organizers said Thursday (June 14) at a celebration for the newly opened Aggie Compass center in the Memorial Union.
“Students can’t succeed if they are going to every class hungry,” said Leslie Kemp, the director of Aggie Compass.
The center provides services to students in need — for now, it’s focused on food security and hands out free produce and helps students apply for CalFresh assistance, but organizers plan to expand to focus on financial and housing security.
Emily Galindo, interim vice chancellor for Student Affairs, said the center “signals our commitment to solving the challenges students face.”
Media Resources
Cody Kitaura/Dateline, 530-752-1932, kitaura@ucdavis.edu