CUE, UC Davis announce new clerical title

Representatives from the Coalition of University Employees (CUE) and UC Davis Human Resources have formally announced the creation of a new clerical title, the "blank" assistant IV position, for use both on campus and at the medical center.

This higher level in the clerical/administrative series was developed by the campus and health system to increase departments' flexibilities in using employees who have assumed increasing responsibilities above the "blank" assistant III level, which involve managing all business or student-related functions for large academic or administrative units. The positions will report to a management services officer II level (or higher) or to an academic director and will not have supervisory responsibilities.

The criteria for determining the new title were developed at meetings held during the past year beween a group of campus MSO's and representatives from the campus's and medical center's compensation units.

Irene Horgan-Thomp-son, director of Comp-ensation, Benefits, Em-ployment/Outreach and Staff Affirmative Action and Diversity/EEO, and Bob Nevraumont, Employee and Labor Relations consultant and UC Davis representative for CUE bargaining issues, met with union representative Beverly Kelley, local CUE president Janeene Fisher and local CUE representative Linda Moser to finalize the agreement.

Fisher said that she sees two primary benefits to introducing the title.

"This new title maintains the number of employees in our bargaining unit and provides representation protection to employees while it allows for advancement within the "blank" assistant series," she said.

"Often clerical workers are working above and beyond their job description in the "blank" assistant III series but not at a level that justifies a move into an administrative specialist or analyst position."

On the issue of other collaborations between the union and UC Davis, Fisher was optimistic.

"We would like to see the Office of the President look to UC Davis as a model of successful collaboration," she said.

For more about the new title, visit

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