Communications, development personnel win 12 CASE awards

More Laurels: The incoming vice chancellor of research, Harris A. Lewin, is a co-recipient of the 2011 Wolf Prize in Agriculture. ... Also, six faculty members are new fellows of a variety of academic associations.

The National Science Foundation gives an early career development award to Todd Green, assistant professor of computer science.

By Dateline staff

UC Davis scored 12 CASE Awards of Excellence for work in alumni relations, communications, development, marketing and related fields. The 2011 awards came in competition with other communication and development professionals in Region VII of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.

The Cal Aggie Alumni Association and Alumni Relations received five awards, including three golds: one for the association's Chapter Network and Leadership Conference, one for Parent Programs and one for the Vintage Aggies Wine Program.

University Development and Advancement Services (within University Relations), received three awards, including a silver.

The Graduate School of Management received three awards, including a gold for a video fundraising feature. The College of Letters and Science received a gold for the college’s new website.

The awards are due to be presented at CASE Region VII’s biannual conference, March 2-5, in Los Angeles.

Here is a list of the UC Davis awards, by unit, accompanied by the names of the project leaders:

CAAA and Alumni Relations

Volunteer Engagement and Leadership — Gold for the CAAA's Chapter and Network Leader Conference. Marie “Toni” Alejandria, regional chapter programs administrator.

Collaborative Programs — Gold for the CAAA's Parent Programs. Maria Zalesky, director.

Revenue Generating Programs — Gold for the CAAA's Vintage Aggies Wine Program. Nichole Silva, director, Business Development.

Marketing and Branding — Silver for the redesign of the CAAA's AggieXtra newsletter. Brooke Converse, alumni communications officer.

Student Alumni Initiatives — Silver for the Student Alumni Association’s voluntary fee pledge. Richard Engel, executive director and assistant vice chancellor, CAAA and Alumni Relations; and Stephanie Bradley, president, Student Alumni Association.

Graduate School of Management

Video Fundraising Features — Gold for Graduate School of Management Alumni Association Student Fellowship Winners. Roberta Kuhlman, director, Development and Alumni Relations, External Relations and Development.

External Audience Tabloids and Newsletters — Bronze for the
Innovator magazine, fall and spring issues. Tim Akin, senior director, Marketing and Communications.

Individual Student Recruitment Publications — Bronze for the 2011 daytime MBA student recruitment brochure. Akin.

Advancement Services and Development

Prospect Research — Silver for “Prioritizing and Qualifying the Unassigned Pool of Major Gift Prospects.” From Prospect Management and Research: Kathy Henderson, director; Andrea Dickens, manager, Prospect Management; and Donna Gutierrez and Desi Jenks-Asay, prospect analysts.

Gift/Biography Administration, Compliance and Ethics — Bronze for “E-Doc Management from 0 to 100 MPH.” From Advancement Services: Robert N. Ware, senior manager, Gift and Data Services; and Melissa Ivanusich, gift administration manager. From Accounting and Financial Management-Extramural Accounting: Michael Kuhner, project analyst, and Karen Majewski, financial analyst.

Fundraising-Collaborative Programs — Bronze for “Development Officers’ Toolkit Intranet Site: A Strategic Shared Resource for Development Staff Members’ Successful Fundraising.” Jan C. Manzi, executive director, University Development.

College of Letters and Science

Websites — Gold for Amanda Price, director, Marketing and Communications, Office of the Deans.

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