UC Davis invites continued campus and community participation in the process of shaping and refining the alternatives to be considered in its Long Range Development Plan (LRDP).
A LRDP Preliminary Plans Workshop will be held during three sessions. Two sessions will occur on Monday, April 22, in the AGR Hall of the Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center.
The first session will run 9 a.m. to noon. The second workshop will be held 4-7 p.m. The third session is slated for Tuesday, April 23, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at Patwin Elementary School, 2222 Shasta Drive in Davis.
Two preliminary land-use plan alternatives will be presented that are intended to address a wide range of input received earlier in the update process, said John Meyer, vice chancellor for resource management and planning.
"Prior workshops have identified growth needs such as new academic buildings, support services, recreation fields and housing," Meyer said. "The campus and wider community raised a number of issues and opportunities related to this growth."
Meyer's staff and consultants have worked during the past few months to craft alternatives that begin to address these issues. "Now we'd like the community to let us know how we're doing," he said.
Preliminary land-use plans will be presented by planning staff and consultants Moore Iaco-fano Goltsman (MIG) Inc. and William Mc-Donough + Partners.
The land-use plans are derived from feedback from previous public meetings, campus committees, and the campus leadership. Last February, workshops focused on evaluating broad land-use options. Input received during those workshops has been incorporated into the preliminary plans that will be discussed on April 22 and 23.
"Further input and feedback are needed to finalize these alternatives and to help move the university toward a draft LRDP in June," Meyer said.
Additional public workshops will be held in May. All workshops are free and open to the public. No reservations are required.
By the end of the academic year (June 2002), campus planners intend to arrive at a proposed LRDP, which will then undergo comprehensive environmental review consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act. The environmental review and the proposed plan are expected to be submitted to the UC Board of Regents for approval in the fall of 2003.
Media Resources
Amy Agronis, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, abagronis@ucdavis.edu