BUDGET UPDATE: School and college impacts, VSP, and HR programs and services

SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES: The UC Davis News Service is preparing articles on budget impacts in the schools and colleges, including the three divisions of the College of Letters and Science. The first three articles are posted at dateline.ucdavis.edu.

College of Biological Sciences

Division of Social Sciences

School of Veterinary Medicine

VOLUNTARY SEPARATION PROGRAM: Based on feedback, two important changes have been made:

• The application period has been extended to Sept. 15 to provide employees and departments more time to work through associated issues. Employees may withdraw their applications through Sept. 22.

• Management will make final decisions by Oct. 6.

• Separations must take effect between Oct. 20, 2009, and Jan. 8, 2010.

2 UNIONS AGREE TO VSP: As of midweek, the Coalition of University Employees (CUE) and the University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) had agreed to allow their memberships to participate in the VSP. These unions represent workers in the CX, HX, RX and TX units.


HR PROGRAMS AND SERVICES (including Webcast of open forum July 9)

FURLOUGH DAYS: Here are the seven pay brackets and the corresponding number of furlough days (and what they equal in terms of pay reduction):

$40,000 or less, 11 days, 4%

$40,001-46,000, 13 days, 5%

$46,001-60,000, 16 days, 6%

$60,001-90,000, 18 days, 7%

$90,001-180,000, 21 days, 8%

$180,001-240,000, 24 days, 9%

More than $240,000, 26 days, 10%



Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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