IN BRIEF: Campus expands effort to reach community...a second chance for Diamond enthusiasts...and more

Campus expands effort to reach community

The campus will check in with thousands of local residents this week — letting them know about current events and campus initiatives — as the new publication UC Davis: Keeping in Touch arrives in mailboxes throughout Davis.

Approximately 27,500 households will receive the four-page, black-and-white newsletter — containing news about the enrollment and budget situations on campus, the long-range development planning process and new construction on campus, insights and discoveries made recently by UC Davis researchers, resources for finding out more about UC Davis and a calendar of upcoming campus community activities to which the general public also is invited.

“It’s an experiment with the goal of strengthening communications with our local community,” said Maril Stratton, assistant vice chancellor for public communications. “I’m eager to hear residents’ reactions.”

The publication is expected to be produced two to three times a year.

Jared Diamond talk available online

Those who couldn’t attend Jared Diamond’s standing-room-only lecture last week have a second chance to hear what the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and UCLA professor had to say about what makes some societies thrive while others collapse.

His Oct. 7 talk “Collapses of Ancient Societies and their Modern Implications” — part of the Major Issues in Modern Biology Seminar Series — can be viewed at

Pajamarino heralds Homecoming Weekend

The Cal Aggie Student Alumni Network is inviting all members of the campus community to participate in Pajamarino tonight. The tradition began in the 1930s, when students snuck out of their dorms in their pajamas to welcome alumni riding the train to Davis for Homecoming Weekend.

Festivities start at the Davis Amtrak station at Second and G streets. Participants — wearing pajamas — and the The Cal Aggie Marching Band-uh will await Amtrak train No. 540 from the Bay Area. The train arrives at about 6:27 p.m. At about 7 p.m., participants will march through downtown Davis to the annual homecoming bonfire on campus.

At 1 p.m. Saturday, the Aggies take on Western Washington at Toomey Field.

Staff Assembly sells books for scholarships

Staff Assembly is again selling Entertain-ment Books as a fund-raiser for the Staff Scholarship program. The books offer discounts for food, shows, lodging and more.

Approximately a quarter of the book cost is returned to Staff Assembly for scholarships, which go to several staff members each year to help them achieve their academic goals.

Campus community members also can give credit to Staff Assembly when they order books as gifts for different regions around the country at

To purchase a book for the Greater Sacramento or Solano County areas, sold at $30 and $45 respectively online, call Kathy von Rummelhoff at (530) 752-3920 or e-mail to

To make sure Staff Assembly earns credit for an online order, enter account number 570052 in the “school/group acct” box.

Faculty development award applications due

The application process has begun for 2004-05 faculty development awards. The program encourage scholarly attainment by faculty members whose university and community service impedes or has the potential to impede their research or another creative activity.

Candidate applications and letters of recommendation from department chairs are due by Oct. 31. Announcement of all awards is expected in February 2004.

Instructions are posted at:

Funds up to $8,000 are provided directly to the recipient’s department to cover costs of a lecturer to fill in for the recipient. Recipients also receive $1,000 for supplies and expenses associated with their research.

Preview Day to attract 3,000

The young faces on campus will seem even a bit younger yet on Saturday as crowds of prospective UC Davis students explore the campus.

Some 3,000 prospective students, parents and school counselors are expected for Preview Day, beginning at 7:30 a.m.

Visitors will meet with representatives from academic units — talking with representatives from more than 100 majors and learning about student services and activities — during an expo at Recreation Hall. Visitors also will attend sessions on admission for high-school and transfer students, financial aid, student housing and more.

TRC offers hands-on help

The Teaching Resources Center is presenting a series of two-hour hands-on workshops for faculty members this quarter.

Classes include afternoon sessions on MyUCDavis Web site Builder on Oct. 22, and Introduction to PowerPoint on Oct. 27.

Classes on MyUCDavis Quizbuilder, Mozilla Composer, Dreamweaver and MyUCDavis Gradebook also are upcoming.

To register and check courses, see

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