Higher ed support urged

The state of California has much more at stake than the personal gains of individual students when it considers how much money to spend on getting more students in and through college.

A new study released Nov. 3 by UC Berkeley researchers documents how increased educational investments would provide the state of California with billions of dollars in tax receipts and help restore its position as one of the wealthiest states in the nation.

The study, "Return on Investment: Educational Choices and Demographic Change in California's Future," was conducted by UC Berkeley professors Henry Brady and Michael Hout and by researcher Jon Stiles, with assistance from graduate student researchers at the campus's Survey Research Center. The full report is at

Union contract nears

UC officials announced Dec. 6 that they have reached a tentative agreement with CWA Local 9119 on a new contract for UC's research support professionals and technical employees through June 30, 2008.

Under the agreement, UC's research support professionals and technical employees will receive wage increases comparable to other staff employees over the next three years upon ratification of the contract. The union is expected to complete a contract ratification vote among its members by Dec. 16. Once ratified, the 2005-06 wage increases will be implemented retroactive to Oct. 1, 2005, when other UC employees received their increases.

UCLA search begins

UC President Robert Dynes has named a 17-member committee of university regents, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community representatives to advise him in the search for the next chancellor of UCLA.

Albert Carnesale, 69, UCLA chancellor since July 1, 1997, announced last September that he would retire on June 30, 2006. Following a sabbatical leave, Carnesale — nationally known for his expertise in international affairs and national security policy — intends to return to his teaching, scholarship and engagement in public policy issues.

The committee's first meeting was held Thursday at UCLA, where committee members were expected to meet in closed session with faculty, staff, students and community representatives to gather ideas and comments regarding the search and to learn the distinct needs of the Los Angeles campus.

The committee also will be involved in recruiting, screening and conducting interviews with candidates for the position. The process will be assisted by the search firm of A.T. Kearney Inc.

Dynes hopes to bring a recommendation on a candidate to the Board of Regents by mid-to-late spring.

For more information about the search from the Los Angeles campus:

AIDS numbers increase

A new UC estimate suggests that more than 150,000 people in California are living with HIV infection, the virus that causes AIDS. The number of people living with HIV in the state of California is at its highest point since the beginning of the epidemic, and is estimated to have increased significantly since 1998.

In a report just released by the Universitywide AIDS Research Program at the University of California Office of the President, it is estimated that the total number of Californians living with HIV increased from about 108,000 in 1998 to over 151,000 today.

The report also documents increases in high-risk sexual behaviors, including increased unprotected sex among men who have sex with men in both San Francisco and Los Angeles, and among clients of the statewide Counseling and Testing Program.

UCOP lease approved

On Nov. 17, the Regents of the University of California approved a lease consolidation project for the U.C. Office of the President. Approximately 600 employees will be relocated to a new site being developed by East End Oakland I, LLC at 1100 Broadway in Oakland, a site adjacent to UCOP's current headquarters building at 1111 Franklin St.

For more information, see

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