Five years ago, the global COVID-19 pandemic changed the trajectory of lives all around the world. For many students, it served as a defining moment in their academic careers. To mark this five-year milestone, we asked seven UC Davis students to reflect on their pandemic experiences and how it affected their educations and perspectives on the future.
Photography by Gregory Urquiaga

Jennifer Rodriguez-Alonso
First-year graduate student, human development
“I was an undergraduate student at San Jose State when the pandemic hit. I had to go back home due to all the uncertainty. I was trying to do online classes and also make sure my brothers were in their classes as well.
I’m grateful now for all the interactions I can have with friends and groups, no matter how big or small. You don’t realize how much that has an impact on your life until it’s gone.”

Luisa Bertolli
Second-year, environmental policy
“COVID interrupted my freshman year of high school. I remember thinking that it would just be an extended spring break.
Quarantine was overall a positive experience for me. I was able to stay engaged during Zoom school, and I found a lot of independence in that alone time. I was able to learn about myself and figure out who I was, but now that we’re past that time, it’s nice to be able to apply all that I’ve learned to real life.”

Victor Rodriguez
Second-year graduate student, human development
“I was in my undergraduate here at the start of the pandemic. I couldn’t go back home because I was an essential worker at the time, so it was kind of tough. I couldn’t just drop my financial commitments like rent.
I like that there’s better access to all the buildings and resources on campus now that the pandemic is over. It’s hard to get support through Zoom.”

Adamari Alvarado
Second-year, biological sciences
“I was a freshman in high school at the beginning of it all. I thought the pandemic made school easier at first because I was able to do more classes and thrive more, but it really affected my social life. It wasn’t until senior year when I actually pushed myself to meet new people and go to school events.”

Sam Noah
Second-year, political science
“Both of my parents were health care workers in the pandemic, so they were really strict with me and my siblings. Athletics were also shut down, which was hard because I was used to being in a sport my whole life.
In college or work, post-pandemic, we have a lot more virtual opportunities, but I find myself shying away from those. COVID made it clear that I’m not as engaged or as interested in topics when they’re happening online. I think the opportunity to be on campus again and in a classroom is very valuable to me.”

Simone Ferrigno
First-year, applied chemistry and Spanish
“I was in eighth grade when things started shutting down. It was hard transitioning into high school and doing Zoom classes. And then there was a domino effect where I didn't know anyone in my sophomore year. Sophomore year was essentially my freshman year.
I’ll never take everyday interactions for granted. I love walking through the hall, seeing someone, and being, like, ‘Oh, hey!’”

Charlotte De Roulhac
Second-year, neurobiology, physiology and behavio
“Five years ago seems so far away, but I remember the pandemic very well. I was really stressed with school at the time, so in the beginning I saw the pandemic as just a nice halt. But then I came back to school, and I didn’t really know anyone anymore. By the end of my senior year, I was able to re-establish myself, but I think about how things would have been different if the pandemic never happened.”