COVID-19: Inside the Coronavirus
The UC Davis research community races to address a mysterious new disease that threatens lives and institutions around the world. Developing effective scalable means for testing and recovery against this new virus presents great challenges.

UC Davis Campus Coronavirus Information
UC Davis is committed to the safety and well-being of our community. The campus is working closely with the local public health department and the University of California Office of the President. We continue to implement measures to protect our community.
Editor’s note: Information about the campus response to Coronavirus is now being highlighted in weekly updates from the Chancellor; Dateline, the newsletter for faculty and staff; and posts to the campus News and Information Page. The pages of the Coronavirus website, arranged by topic and audience, provide access to detailed information and other resources. Updates to this page have been suspended.
The Latest
- Working remotely, beyond April 7
- UC eases admissions requirements
- PPE collection underway
- Global travel advisory
- Campus operations suspended
- Unitrans: Weekend Service
- How to report positive tests
- Study Abroad suspended
- Spring commencements
- Research continuity and planning
- UC Davis campus
- Yolo County
- Yolo County phone: 211 or 530-666-8614
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- California Coronavirus Response
Updated 1:50 p.m. April 7 — When Chancellor Gary S. May suspended campus operations March 18, he advised that, “generally, employees should assume they will work from home through April 7, unless they hear otherwise from their managers.” Since he made his announcement, the state issued a stay-at-home order without an end date, and Yolo County extended its shelter-in-place order to May 1. Therefore, UC Davis’ current guidance to employees (except those who are designated): Expect to work remotely until hearing otherwise from your managers.
UC eases admissions requirements
Updated 11:45 a.m. April 1 — The University of California is implementing temporary measures to relax undergraduate admissions requirements for students looking to enroll at UC for fall 2020 and future years as applicable.
The short-term measures include:
- Suspending the letter grade requirement for A-G courses completed in winter/spring/summer 2020 for all students, including UC’s most recently admitted freshmen. Suspending the standardized test requirement for students applying for fall 2021 freshman admission.
- Providing that there will be no rescission of student admissions offers that result from students or schools missing official final transcript deadlines, and student retention of admission status through the first day of class until official documents are received by campuses.
- For transfer students, temporarily suspending the cap on the number of transferable units with “pass/no pass” grading applied toward the minimum 60 semester/90 quarter units required for junior standing.
Read the complete UC news release.
PPE collection underway
Updated 1 p.m. March 25 — Campus departments and units with personal protective equipment to donate can do so through Distribution and Logistics, which is packaging and delivering the items to UC Davis Health.
Departments with items to donate can get involved by filling out this form.
Stay-at-home order
Updated 8:30 p.m. March 19 — UC Davis is taking steps to comply with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s statewide stay-at-home order, and further information will be posted here once it becomes available.
Global travel advisory
Updated 3 p.m. March 19 — The Department of State announced a Level 4 Global Health Advisory: Do Not Travel, advising U.S. citizens to avoid all international travel due to COVID-19, unless returning to the United States. UC already had directed university travelers to avoid all nonessential international travel and strongly advised against UC Davis affiliates’ personal travel outside of the United States.
Read more on the Global Affairs COVID-19 Travel Announcement page.
Campus operations suspended
Updated 11:25 a.m. March 18 — Yolo and Sacramento counties have issued directives advising residents to shelter in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. As a result and effective immediately, the campus is moving to suspended operations as outlined in our policy as defined by policy and described on changes to campus operating status.
See the chancellor’s letter to the UC Davis community.
Unitrans: Weekend Service
Updated 8:45 a.m. March 18 — Unitrans, the ASUCD-city bus service, today moved to Weekend Service, under which buses operate only on the G, K, M, P, Q, O and V-MU lines, starting at 7 a.m. This will continue until at least March 27.
Service levels for spring quarter are being reviewed.
How to report positive tests
Updated 6 a.m. March 18 — Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Ralph J. Hexter said we need to plan for the eventuality of a member of our campus community testing positive for COVID-19. "The campus has an obligation to review, verify, and report when this happens," he wrote in a letter to the campus community.
He shared the protocol and contact points for individuals reporting their own positive test of COVID-19, as well as one for an immediate family member or colleague.
Information line
Updated 6 p.m. March 17 — While the latest, most detailed information about coronavirus and the UC Davis campus can be found online, the university has also established the campus Coronavirus Information Line, 800-809-6097, for people who wish to speak with someone on the phone. The line is staffed with operators who can answer very general questions about classes, housing, events, health, admissions, incoming students, employee concerns and travel.
Campus grows quiet
Updated 4:30 p.m. March 17 — Online finals Day 2 is underway. Remote instruction is the general order for spring quarter. Many of us are working from home. Students are moving out. Campus leaders earlier this week lowered the attendance cap for events to 50 and are now urging no gatherings at all. Meanwhile, the university is working closely with Yolo County public health authorities on next steps to keep people apart.
The Office of Research provided guidance strongly recommending that on-campus research activities be adjusted and reduced where possible to minimize the spread and possible impact of the coronavirus.
The UC Office of the President has authorized up to 16 days of paid coronavirus-related administrative leave for employees who need to stay home to care for their children (amid school closures) or who become sick with the disease or need to care for family members who have it.
Read more in today’s update from Dateline UC Davis.
Leave for academic appointees
Updated 4:30 p.m. March 17 — Academic Affairs has updated its guidance on COVID-19-related leave for academic appointees, aligning the guidance with UC President Janet Napolitano’s March 16 executive order authorizing up to 128 hours — or 16 days — of leave for eligible employees.
Study Abroad suspended
Updated 1:20 p.m. March 16 — UC Davis has suspended all international and U.S.-based Study Abroad programs through summer, taking in Spring Seminars Abroad, Spring Quarter Abroad, Summer Abroad and Summer Abroad Internships.
“The safety and well-being of students is our first priority,” officials said in an announcement on the Global Learning Hub website.
Officials said students will receive full refunds of all fees and deposits. Messages are being sent to students in all of these programs with further details, next steps to take and how the Global Learning Hub within Global Affairs will support students during this transition, including but not limited to providing advising on alternative plans and providing assistance in returning to the United States.
“While we recognize the disruption this causes for students, families, and institutional partners, we hope the timing of this decision was prioritized to give students time to plan for other opportunities, with the support of the Global Learning Hub, Undergraduate Education and other campus offices, such as enrolling in on-campus courses, pursuing online or alternative global learning opportunities, and making other arrangements to ensure continued progress toward degree.
Complete information is available on this webpage: Study Abroad Program Updates and Resources Related to Coronavirus (COVID-19).
The UC Education Abroad Program also is adjusting its programming. Look for information here.
Attendance cap now 50
Updated 8:30 p.m. March 15 — Acting on updated guidance issued today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, UC Davis officials lowered the university’s attendance cap for events to 50.
The cap applies to all events, university-sponsored or otherwise, in all campus spaces and venues, at all UC Davis locations, and to university events held off-campus.
“Large events and mass gatherings can contribute to the spread of COVID-19 in the United States via travelers who attend these events and introduce the virus to new communities,” according to the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, which recommends an attendance cap of 50 for eight weeks.
UC Davis had been operating with an attendance cap of 150, to remain in effect through spring quarter. This led to the cancellation of Picnic Day and Decision UC Davis for newly admitted freshmen and their families, among other events. The Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts has canceled all events through March 31.
The CDC further advised: “Events of any size should only be continued if they can be carried out with adherence to guidelines for protecting vulnerable populations, hand hygiene and social distancing. When feasible, organizers could modify events to be virtual.”
Remote instruction in spring
Updated 3 p.m. March 14 — Undergraduate lectures and discussion sections will be offered through remote means all spring quarter, campus leaders announced today. In another new directive, they said the university’s event attendance cap of 150 people will be extended through the end of spring quarter — which means Picnic Day is among the casualties. Still, the campus remains open and students can stay. UC Davis’ comprehensive educational and personal support services will be available in both in-person (small groups with social distancing) and remote formats.
The letter focuses on instruction, including graduate education and training, but notes the campus’s efforts “to help all members of our community find ways to adapt to our current situation.” Human Resources has prepared guidance for supervisors and managers on workplace concerns, such as employees who become sick or need to care for loved ones, and a telework page that allows managers to make decisions concerning remote work arrangements.
And, for employees and students with young children who are impacted by the recent K-12 school closures, “please know we will do our best to be flexible and understanding during these most unprecedented times.”
“Working together as a community, in accordance with our Principles of Community, we will continue to adapt to these challenging times,” the letter states.
Read the spring quarter directives message.
Yolo has 2nd positive test
Updated 7 p.m. March 13 — The Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency announced it has received confirmation that a second county resident has tested positive for COVID-19. The individual is an adult over 60 years old and acquired the infection through travel, according to a news release.
Avoid international travel
Updated 11 a.m. March 13 — UC Davis travelers must avoid all nonessential international travel, to any country, under revised guidelines posted by Global Affairs to its coronavirus travel advisory page. In addition, the guidelines strongly advise against UC Davis affiliates’ personal travel outside of the United States.
The guidelines also advise against nonessential university-sponsored domestic travel, particularly by air, encouraging people to find alternate means of conducting business, such as video or web conferencing; and caution faculty, staff and students to consider a variety of factors including travel restrictions, university policies, registration and approvals for high-risk locations, and their own health risks before making plans for personal domestic travel, particularly by air.
Global Affairs also issued this reminder: If you are traveling internationally on university business, you must register your trip, which provides real-time updates and additional protections. UC Davis travelers may also choose to register personal trips.
The Global Affairs update also includes President Donald Trump’s order, taking effect at midnight today and lasting for at least 30 days, suspending the entry into the United States of most foreign nationals who have been in certain European countries at any point during the 14 days prior to their scheduled arrival to the United States, and including this caveat: “This does not apply to legal permanent residents, (generally) immediate family members of U.S. citizens, and other individuals who are identified in the proclamation.”
Global Affairs has updated its coronavirus question-and-answer page with additional information related to international and domestic travel plans, travel insurance, reimbursement, and spring break travel.
Also see this update from UC Travel regarding travel to the Schengen Area countries.
Athletics competition suspended
Updated 3:30 p.m. March 12 — Intercollegiate Athletics announced it will suspend winter and spring competition indefinitely, effective immediately, because of the coronavirus outbreak. Officials made the decision in conjunction with a similar announcement by the Big West Conference (most UC Davis sports are members of the Big West). In a news release, Intercollegiate Athletics said: “This decision was made in the interest of the health and safety of our student-athletes, coaches and staff, administrators and fans.” Intercollegiate Athletics had earlier limited attendance at competitions to essential personnel and a student-athlete pass list, and the conference had canceled its men’s and women’s basketball tournaments.
Spring commencements
Updated 1 p.m. March 12 to clarify which events are subject to the university-mandated 150-person cap on attendance. This cap will now apply to all events, university-sponsored or otherwise, in all campus spaces and venues, starting Friday (March 13) and continuing until at least March 31. Read the revised campus directives.
More updates:
- Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts — All public events canceled through March 31.
- Spring 2020 commencements — No decisions have been made about these ceremonies. Please check back to this webpage in mid-April for the latest information.
Games with no spectators
Updated 10:30 p.m. March 11 — Attendance at home athletics contests will be limited to essential personnel and those on a student-athlete pass list, effective Thursday (March 12), in order to protect at-risk individuals and minimize the spread of the coronavirus, Intercollegiate Athletics announced tonight. Officials said they implemented the policy out of an abundance of caution, through discussions with campus administration and recommendations from the National Collegiate Athletic Association, or NCAA.
Research continuity and planning
Updated 10:30 a.m. March 11 — The Office of Research has posted a webpage on research continuity and planning for COVID-19. “With the ongoing concern about the spread of this disease, laboratories and research facilities should begin to plan for the possibility of a significant disruption to routine operations,” the webpage states. “Each laboratory or research facility is best positioned to create a continuity plan that will meet their unique needs. This guidance is provided to facilitate the development of your plan.”
New campus directives
Updated 4 p.m. March 10 — Campus leaders issue new directives for next week’s final exams (they cannot be in-person), paid leave for people who have COVID-19 illness or are caring for family members with COVID-19 illness, and limiting the size of gatherings to no more than 150 people, from Thursday, March 12, through March 31 (this limit does not apply to instruction through the end of this week, or to Intercollegiate Athletics or the Mondavi center for the Performing Arts). Plus, a new caution against nonessential travel, domestic or international (beyond the international prohibitions already in place).
Read the letter in its entirety.
Webinars explain Canvas
Updated 1 p.m. March 9 — Webinars are being held daily this week to provide faculty members with information on how to use Canvas to hold quizzes and exams online, communicate with students and distribute video lectures. Information on the webinars is available on the Keep Teaching website.
‘Maximum flexibility’ in instruction
Updated 6 p.m. March 7 — A new coronavirus message from academic leaders says there are no confirmed cases on the UC Davis campus, and that operations are continuing as normal. “After careful review of our local situation and following consultation with health professionals regarding the specific risk represented by classroom meetings, we write to inform you that we are not mandating the cancellation of in-person class meetings for the week of March 9,” the leaders said. Nevertheless, they are advising maximum flexibility and encouraging faculty or students who either should not or do not wish to attend in-person classes to complete the work of the quarter via alternate means.
Read the letter in its entirety.
Webinar for travelers
Updated 5 p.m. March 7 — UC’s Central Travel Office and Risk Services announced they will host a special webinar for UC travelers in regard to coronavirus-related cancellations.
“The situation surrounding the coronavirus and travel is continuously changing,” officials said in the ConnexUC newsletter March 4. “Airlines remain fluid in their policy regarding waivers or refunds for booked tickets, making upcoming travel complicated.”
The webinar is scheduled from 2 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 18, and will follow a Q&A format, according to the newsletter, allowing officials to share options available to UC travelers, especially if tickets were booked within UC contract at any one of UC’s preferred agencies.
People with questions are invited to send them early to Yasmin Sidi.
Guidance for supervisors
Updated 4:50 p.m. March 6 — Guidance for supervisors and managers on topics of employees and illness, and modeling behaviors to help prevent the spread of disease; and travel; plus a reminder about the services of Academic and Staff Assistance Program for employees and their families.
Read more on the Coronavirus Guidance for Supervisors page.
Expanded travel directive
Updated 4 p.m. March 6 — Under an expanded directive from UC President Janet Napolitano, university travelers must now avoid all nonessential travel to China, Iran, Italy, Japan and South Korea — all tagged with Level 3 (widespread sustained transmission) or Level 2 (sustained community transmission) Travel Health Notices by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC. In addition, travelers should avoid layovers in those countries. “Further, individuals on our campuses with a recent travel history from a CDC Level 3 country must self-isolate for 14 days from the time they left the Level 3 country and practice social distancing,” Napolitano said.
Read more on the Global Affairs COVID-19 Travel Announcement page.
Decision ahead
Updated 4 p.m. March 6 — UC Davis will decide March 20 whether to cancel Study Abroad programs scheduled this summer in China and Italy (both tagged with CDC Level 3 Travel Health Notices) and Japan (Level 2) and any other countries that may receive Level 3 or Level 2 designations.
Read more: Study Abroad Program Information and Resources Related to Coronavirus.
1st case in the county
Updated 10:30 a.m. March 6 — Public health experts at the Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency have received confirmation that a Yolo County resident has tested positive for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). This is the first case in Yolo County, according to a county news release.
Health officials said the individual, an older female with underlying health conditions, is hospitalized and improving. From initial interviews, she acquired the disease through community transmission.
‘Time to be prepared’
Updated 1:45 p.m. March 5 — There are no reported cases of COVID-19 on the Davis campus or in Yolo County at this time. Nevertheless, campus leaders say in a letter, in the interests of health and safety, “This is an appropriate time for all instructors to be prepared in case students, staff or instructors become ill or are under quarantine in the coming weeks and months, or if the campus needs to temporarily suspend in-person instruction.” The letter includes advice and resources to support faculty and students who become ill or are quarantined.
Student’s test: Negative
Updated 5:50 p.m. Feb. 29 — Yolo County Public Health notified staff this afternoon (Feb. 29) that the UC Davis student who was quarantined and tested for COVID-19 had a negative result. The two other UC Davis students have also been notified and released from isolation.
Student Housing and Dining Services will maintain its intensified cleaning program.
The campus continues to recommend individuals practice proper handwashing and other good hygiene.
More information is available on the campus’s coronavirus website.
Yolo County still recommends residents practice precautionary actions to prevent the further spread of respiratory diseases, such as washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, covering coughs and staying home if sick. Yolo County continues to implement strategies to educate residents, protect public health and collaborate with partners and healthcare systems.
Elevated travel advisories
Updated 5:30 p.m. Feb. 29 — Global Affairs has updated its travel advisories webpage with new notices from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, and the State Department.
The CDC on Feb. 28 elevated its advisories for Iran and Italy to Warning Level 3: Avoid all nonessential travel. With this update, university travelers are now to avoid all nonessential travel to China, Iran, Italy and South Korea. Travelers should also avoid layover travel that passes through any of these countries.
Also Feb. 28, the State Department issued a Level 3: Reconsider Travel advisory for Italy. On Feb. 26, the State Department issued a Level 3: Reconsider Travel advisory for Mongolia, due to travel and transport restrictions related to Mongolia’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak in China.
Under UC guidance and the UC Davis travel policy, China, Italy and South Korea will temporarily be considered “very high threat” destinations. Iran remains a “very high threat” destination both for COVID-19 and other considerations. Additionally, any countries in the future that are designated with a CDC Warning Level 3 due to COVID-19 will also be considered “very high threat” destinations, with travel to these destinations subject to review by the UC Davis Travel Advisory Committee.
Read Global Affairs’ complete update.
Q&A posted
Updated at 3 p.m. Feb. 29 — Questions and answers about the campus response to the coronavirus have been added to this website as a resource.
Reject xenophobia
Updated 10 a.m. Feb. 28 — University leaders are urging members of the campus community to take an active role in rejecting xenophobia, bigotry and racism associated with COVID-19.
“If you are in a situation where you see or experience xenophobic activity or any level of disrespect, racism or bigotry, we ask you to be active not passive,” said a joint statement by Renetta Garrison Tull, vice chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Emily Galindo, interim vice chancellor for Student Affairs. “Stand with your fellow colleague, student or peer to de-escalate the incident.”
Hendry Ton, associate vice chancellor for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, said in an earlier statement that health care providers must be aware that physical ailments don’t happen in a vacuum, and are affected by a patient’s social and economic circumstances.
“The lesson here is that to truly address illness and suffering, we must equally address the biological roots and the social ones,” he said.
Media availability
Updated 4 p.m. Feb. 27 — UC Davis held a media availability this afternoon on the Davis campus’ response to COVID-19. A video of that event can be downloaded here or watched above. The speakers were:
- Cindy Schorzman, medical director of Student Health and Counseling Services, UC Davis
- Michael Sheehan, associate vice chancellor for Student Affairs: Housing, Dining and Divisional Operations
- Ron Chapman, Yolo County health officer
A transcript of the video recording of the media availability is available online.
3 in isolation
Updated 3 p.m. Feb. 27 — Chancellor Gary S. May and UC Davis Health Vice Chancellor and CEO David Lubarsky issue a statement to the Davis and Sacramento campuses, advising of three people from the Davis campus who are currently in isolation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, is testing one for COVID-19, while the other two are asymptomatic and, following CDC guidance, have not been tested.
Read the statement in its entirety.
COVID-19 patient
Updated 7:50 a.m. Feb. 27 — In a letter to employees, UC Davis Health advises that a patient is being treated at the medical center for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). “Since the patient arrived with a suspected viral infection, our care teams have been taking the proper infection prevention (contact droplet) precautions during the patient’s stay,” the letter states. “This is not the first COVID-19 patient we have treated, and because of the precautions we have had in place since this patient’s arrival, we believe there has been minimal potential for exposure here at UC Davis Medical Center.
Read the letter in its entirety.
Level 3 countries off-limits
Updated 7 a.m. Feb. 27 — Expanding on her earlier directive, UC President Janet Napolitano instructs the UC community to temporarily avoid all nonessential, university-related travel to countries with a CDC health designation of Warning Level 3. At this time, Warning Level 3 applies to South Korea as well as China (excluding the special administrative regions of Macau and Hong Kong).
Read more on the Global Affairs COVID-19 Travel Announcement page.
New travel notices
Updated 6:55 p.m. Feb. 25 — Global Affairs has updated its travel advisories webpage with new notices from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- South Korea — Warning Level 3, avoid all nonessential travel. University travelers are advised to avoid all nonessential travel to South Korea. Travelers should also avoid layover travel that passes through South Korea.
- Iran, Italy and Japan — Alert Level 2, practice enhanced precautions.
- Hong Kong — Watch Level 1, practice usual precautions.
Read Global Affairs’ complete update.
Travel FAQ
Updated 11:30 p.m. Feb. 13 — Global Affairs has posted a travel FAQ. Topics include travel to China, Hong Kong and Taiwan; whether to reschedule travel to other areas in Asia; and restrictions affecting people traveling on Chinese passports, when trying to enter other countries. The FAQ also includes links for airline restrictions by country, and airline restrictions by airline.
UC Davis Live
Updated Feb. 10 — Watch UC Davis Live discussion on coronavirus, recorded Feb. 6 and featuring Tracey Goldstein and Christine Johnson, associate directors, UC Davis One Health Institute.
No reports of coronavirus
Updated 11:30 a.m. Feb. 7 — Cindy Schorzman, medical director of Student Health and Counseling Services, reported this morning that there is no case of coronavirus or suspected case under investigation on campus or in Yolo County.
Screening at airports
Updated 9 p.m. Feb. 3 — Global Affairs updated its coronavirus travel advisory with announcements from the departments of State and Homeland Security.
- Department of Homeland Security — As of Feb. 2, returning U.S. citizens who have traveled in China within 14 days of their arrival are being routed to one of seven designated airports where the government has enhanced public health resources in order to implement enhanced screening procedures. U.S. citizens who have been in Hubei province within 14 days of their return will be subject to up to 14 days of mandatory quarantine. Foreign nationals who have traveled in China within 14 days of their arrival will be denied entry into the United States.
- Department of State — Mission China, which includes the U.S. Embassy and all consulates, are closed to the public, Feb. 3-7, in accordance with Chinese government guidance. Emergency services for U.S. citizens are available. U.S. citizens can sign up for notifications for Americans traveling in China.
Yolo County info page
Updated 4 p.m. Feb. 1 — Yolo County, in which the Davis campus is located, has added a resource and information page about the coronavirus. It includes how the county is responding to the situation as well as information about the virus, its symptoms, preventions tips and other resources. The county indicates that as of Jan. 31, it had no confirmed cases of the coronavirus.
Fight it like the flu
Updated 5 p.m. Jan. 31 — UC Davis continues to think locally and globally regarding the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, and is spreading around the world.
Protecting yourself against the flu is protecting yourself from “a real and present danger right now here at home,” UC Davis Health’s chief nursing and patient services officer, Toby Marsh, said in a memo to all staff late this afternoon (Jan. 31).
“An estimated 15 million people have been infected by the flu this season, with more than 8,000 deaths so far. In our Emergency Department, we are seeing about 150 people a week for influenza. In the past two weeks, nearly half have tested positive for it.”
The main campus and health system have been stressing to students and others the importance of adhering to the same good hygienic practices that are recommended for protection from another virus — the flu.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, “person-to-person spread [of coronaviruses] is thought to occur mainly via respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, similar to how influenza and other respiratory pathogens spread.”
On the global front, UC Davis today (Jan. 31) designated China a “very high threat” travel destination for university affiliates.
Also today, the number of confirmed cases in California grew to three with the announcement by Santa Clara County’s Public Health Department that the CDC had confirmed a county resident — a man — had tested positive for the novel — or new — coronavirus. The other cases in the state are in Los Angeles and Orange counties.
UC Davis and UC Davis Health remained vigilant, with officials reporting earlier this week that the university had implemented measures to help protect our community should a patient be identified in the future.
The university continues to operate normally. Officials said there are currently no plans to cancel classes, and the university will not plan to do so unless directed by the Yolo County Health Department.
More about the new coronavirus, from the CDC.
Look for UC Davis updates at Dateline UC Davis.
Travel advisory
With today’s update from Global Affairs, all university affiliates’ China travel plans are subject to review by the Travel Advisory Committee. A handful of faculty members had previously registered their plans to travel to China — and Global Affairs confirmed with those faculty members that all of them had canceled their plans.
Global Affairs previously posted an advisory to university affiliates to avoid all travel to China, based on guidance from the Department of State and the CDC.
Look for updated advisories on the Global Affairs’ COVID-19 Travel Announcement page. It includes information on the procedures involved in seeking permission to travel to China.
Global Affairs also reported that UC Davis has one study abroad program in China, scheduled to begin in late June. Zachary Frieders, interim executive director of the Global Learning Hub, said the university will evaluate the situation before enrollment closes in April, so that if the program is canceled, students have time to enroll in other programs.
The UC Education Abroad Program has canceled all winter and spring programs in China, affecting three UC Davis students; their program had not yet started.
The best defense
To help protect against flu virus — and by extension, coronavirus — Student Affairs and UC Davis Health advice includes: wash your hands often with soap and water; avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth; and try to avoid close contact with sick people. Preventive steps, from the CDC.
UC Davis officials also are telling people: It is not too late to get a flu shot for added protection.
Cindy Schorzman, medical director of Student Health and Counseling Services, said: “Any member of our community suspecting they have influenza or the coronavirus should stay home.”
Students should call the Student Health and Wellness Center, 530-752-2349, or their primary care provider before going in. “This will allow us to provide you with information on your illness, and to plan for your visit to the clinic, if needed,” Schorzman said in a coronavirus update posted Jan. 28.
Faculty and staff should contact their primary care providers for instructions.
Schorzman’s update also includes an FAQ. It includes this note: Healthy students should not stay home for fear of catching an infection in class.
Human-to-human transmission
Marsh's memo today to staff at UC Davis Health came one day after the CDC confirmed the first instance of human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus in the United States, in Chicago. The case, Marsh said, was “not surprising, given what we know about the disease.”
- In a Jan. 24 news release and video, “What U.S. Residents Should Know,” Dean Blumberg, chief of pediatric infectious diseases, addresses such questions as, “Should I wear a mask?” and “What should I do if I have cold symptoms?”
- In a Jan. 22 news release and video, “What You Should Know” (below), Blumberg addresses such questions as, “Will the flu shot make a difference” and “How can I avoid Wuhan coronavirus?”
He said the case involved people in close contact with each other: a husband and wife. The wife recently returned from Wuhan. Not surprisingly, her husband contracted the disease from her.
“That type of transmission is exactly what we would expect with any coronavirus: When someone who is sick breathes, talks, coughs or sneezes in the vicinity of others, their respiratory droplets can carry the virus toward other people, or onto surfaces such as doorknobs and tables,” Marsh said.
“It’s all the more reason to practice good hand hygiene and flu prevention techniques. Washing our hands and covering our coughs cannot be done often enough, especially during flu season.”
Marsh said UC Davis Health is well prepared for coronavirus and “determined to maintain a safe workplace and quality care environment for everyone.”
He told employees a special coronavirus planning group is meeting twice a week, tasked with ensuring care teams and clinics have all the resources they need.
“I remain hopeful that the coronavirus here in the U.S. will not become anything like it has overseas,” he told staff. “Your training and professionalism mean that our community and region can be assured that UC Davis Health is prepared for everything.”
Media Resources
Dateline Staff, 530-752-6556, dateline@ucdavis.edu