In light of the sudden, tragic events in our community, and out of an abundance of caution, Aggie Transfer Experience has been canceled and Aggie Day will move to May 15-18 as a virtual event.

Your safety and well-being is our top priority, as is the safety and well-being of all UC Davis students. As our campus community mourns the loss of a student and a local resident, we hold each other up and provide the support to ensure our campus community is informed, vigilant and safe. We do not feel that large campus events are appropriate at this time.

UC Davis is committed to the class of ‘25 and Undergraduate Admissions is here for you. We are working on a virtual event showcasing everything our campus has in store for our newest admitted transfer students. We also offer in person campus tours so while we can’t host planned events, you can still visit campus in person and enjoy the same great experience later this spring.

We apologize for the cancellations and appreciate your understanding. To stay informed with campus updates and any further developments, please follow any and all @ucdavis social media channels, and check the UC Davis website and your email often.

Your Undergraduate Admission Team